Stör Döden - Educational material for teachers
The number of suicides decreases among adults, but increases among young people. Schools often ask how to get better at talking about suicide and mental health with their students. Therefore, Suicide Zero, Mind, SPES and NASP, in collaboration with school staff, have produced an educational material for teachers in high school.

As a teacher, you often come across students who don’t feel well and the purpose of this training is to support teachers in their work with the students' mental health. The focus is on creating confidence in the conversations you as a teacher often have with your students, as well as providing greater knowledge about mental health and suicide. Suggestions on how to work preventively in other ways are also given.
The training takes about 60 minutes to complete and is fully digital and self-instructing. It consists of five parts and is based on interviews, interactive film and tips and checklists.
An individual teacher can complete the training and in this way hopefully get new thoughts, knowledge and strategies as well as greater confidence in the work with the students' mental health. However, the training is most useful if there is given opportunity to process the material and discuss with others, as part of the collegial work, with the opportunity for joint reflection.
Regions, municipalities and schools look different and work in different ways with students' mental health. From a larger perspective, the education can be used in different ways and fulfill different functions depending on the context.
The recommendation is to use the training as part of a structured work with and in relation to other local/regional work with the students' mental health.
Link to the educational material
About Stör Döden
The background to the project Stör Döden is that the National Center for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP) was commissioned by the Health and Medical Care Administration to form a working group together with the associations Mind, the Swedish Association for Suicide Prevention and Survivors' Support (SPES) and Suicide Zero. The task was to prepare proposals for joint suicide prevention efforts within Region Stockholm. Stör Döden has previously launched two information campaigns, both were primarily focusing on men and highlighted the importance of talking about mental health.