Core facilities at MBB
Researchers at KI, other academic institutions, and also, to a limited extent, commercial enterprises have access to the core facilities at MBB.

Core facilities at KI
Karolinska Institutet offers a wide range of core facilities, providing service, recourses and competence to academic research in Sweden. These core facilities were all founded to meet the needs of the university’s own scientists, and they are under constant development to provide the latest techniques and knowledge within their fields of expertise. Karolinska Institutet is also a major partner in several national research infrastructures.

SciLifeLab national facilities
SciLifeLab is a national resource and a collaboration between four universities: Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. SciLifeLab comprises 40 facilities of technologies and services and are available to researchers in all of Sweden.