Education at CHE
Ethics education conducted by the Stockholm Centre for Health Care Ethics at Karolinska Institutet.

Postgraduate Courses
Medical Research Ethics
The doctoral course Medical research ethics is equivalent to 1,5 ECTS and is offered eight times per year.
Doctoral education at KI
Course catalogue
We also provide a web-based course in Research ethics to graduate research schools in different areas.
Furthermore, we arrange a course on Philosophy of science and the concept of health equivalent to 1,5 ECTS two times per year.
Undergraduate Courses
We are responsible for Ethics training equivalent to 1,5 ECTS.
We are responsible for Ethics training equivalent to 1,5 ECTS.
We are responsible for Ethics training at the Medical program.
We are responsible for Ethics training.
Health Economics, Policy and Management
We are responsible for Ethics and Philosophy of science training equivalent to 10 ECTS.
For more information about education please contact Annelie Jonsson