About us in Health Economics and Policy Research Group
Below you can read more about us who work in the Health Economics and Policy Research Group and who our collaborating partners and funders are. Welcome to contact us!

The Health Economics and Policy Research Group.
Research group leader
Clas Rehnberg
ProfessorResearch group members
Cecilia Dahlgren
Affiliated to ResearchKinza Degerlund Maldi
Affiliated to ResearchPetra Edström
Affiliated to ResearchOlivia Ernstsson
Affiliated to Teaching/TutoringFanny Goude
Affiliated to ResearchMatilda Hagman
Affiliated to ResearchShuang Hao
Health EconomistEmelie Heintz
Adjunct LecturerMonica Hultcrantz
Adjunct LecturerNils Janlöv
Affiliated to ResearchNaama Kenan Modén
Affiliated to ResearchJahangir A.M. Khan
Affiliated to Teaching/TutoringTobias Lauritsen
Affiliated to ResearchCamilla Nystrand
Affiliated to Research;Adjunct LecturerNathalie Peira
Affiliated to ResearchEmma Spånberg
Phd StudentSofia Sveréus
Affiliated to ResearchSofi Varg
Affiliated to ResearchCollaborating partners
Swedish Regions
- Hälso- och sjukvårdsförvaltningen, Region Stockholm
- Akademiskt primärvårdscentrum, Region Stockholm
- Ambulanssjukvården i Storstockholm AB (AISAB)
- Regionalt Cancercentrum Stockholm-Gotland
- Region Dalarna
- Region Jönköping
- Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde
Governmental departments and authorities
- Myndigheten för vård- och omsorgsanalys
- Tandvårds- och läkemedelsverket (TLV)
- National Institute for Health and Welfare - THL Finland
Other universities
- Göteborgs universitet
- Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo
- Syddansk Universitet, Odense
- Lunds universitet
- Uppsala universitet
- The Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo
- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool