Board for doctoral education

The Board for doctoral education at LIME deals with matters relating to doctoral education.

Every department is to have a board that deals with matters relating to doctoral education. The purpose of such a board is:

  • to assess the scientific project when the doctoral position is first established
  • to assist the Director of doctoral studies in making a decision on the admission of a prospective student, when necessary
  • to assist with other matters relating to doctoral education, if the department so wishes

The board is to comprise:

  • the departmental Director of doctoral studies (chairperson/convenor)
  • at least two other researchers/teachers
  • at least one student representative

The board may co-opt specific expertise when necessary.

Board for doctoral education at LIME:


Per Palmgren, Division for Learning

Researchers and teachers :

Niklas Zethraeus, MMC

Gergö Hadlaczky, NASP

Stefano Bonacina, HIC

John Skår, MMC

Marta Roczniewska, MMC

Lisa Smeds Alenius, MMC

Doctoral student representatives:

Veronica-Aurelia Costea, MMC


Ana Hagström, MMC

Ulrika Schüldt Håård, Division for Learning

Scheduled meetings for spring 2025 are:

6 March

8 April

15 May

Read more about the application process for an establishment of a new doctoral position at LIME here!

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