Doctoral education at LIME
Welcome to doctoral education at LIME and Karolinska Institutet. Doctoral education conclude with the award of a licentiate degree or a PhD.
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Meet some of LIME's former doctoral students

Linda Sturesson Stabel, former doctoral student in Lifelong Learning in Health Care Contexts (LLiHCC)
Dr Sturesson Stabel is the researcher, author and illustrator who finished her thesis in record time.

Luke Woodham, exploring virtual patient design
On a daily basis, Dr Woodham works at St. George’s, a specialist healthcare sciences university in London, UK, as part of the team that delivers technology-enhanced learning to students there.

Sofia Sveréus, former doctoral student at Medical Management Centre
Sofia Sveréus is the hard core social scientist who hesitated to go into research, as she did not want to fixate on one subject for too long. But then realised she already had.

Max Kleijberg, former doctoral student at Medical Management Centre/Innovative care
Max Kleijberg is a designer who never pictured himself as a researcher. But now, he has set out to explore how children and elderly people can meet to discuss issues related to death.