Master's Programme in Toxicology
Welcome to this site where we hope that you, as a prospective or recently accepted student, will find more useful information about the Master's Programme in Toxicology.

Programme outline
Find more information about the courses at the programme.

What is the typical background of a Tox Master student?
Tox Master students usually have a very diverse background in what they studied during their Bachelors.

Programme highlights and activities
Read more about what students think are the highlights of the programme and some of our activities during the programme.

Employability and career pathways
Learn more about where Tox Master students go after graduation and how the programme supports networking.

Toxicology alumni portraits
Meet some of our great alumni and hear why they applied to the programme and what they are doing now!

Past Master thesis projects
Toxicology is a broad subject which means that you can choose Master thesis project based on your interest(s)!

Meet our digital ambassadors and bloggers
Here you can see what student life is like through the eyes of our students themselves and get an idea of what studying at KI is like.

Meet the teachers!
Learn more about who the directors and course organizers are at the programme.

Here you can find contact details to the Programme directors and Study counselor.