What happens after graduation?

The programme is designed to provide a solid foundation for a career in toxicology as either a doctoral researcher or a risk/safety assessor in the public or private sector in Sweden or abroad.

Each year 25 – 30 students graduate from the programme and start their career inside or outside Europe. Below is an overview of what students who recently graduated were doing a short time after graduation. You can also get some more examples on our alumni page.

Overview of careers for students from classes 2021-2023.
Class of 2021Class of 2022Class of 2023
PhD student48%21%39%
Pharma/Chem/Biotech industry24%28%14%
Regulatory agency0%10%7%
Other incl Research Assistant20%21%36%

Students working as a research assistant usually do so for 6-12 months in the same lab where they performed their Master thesis. Some of these students later become PhD students or get a position in industry/consultancy/regulatory agency.

Below is a list of some Swedish companies and authorities who traditionally or recently have employed students from the Tox Master program:

  • AstraZeneca
  • Perstorp AB
  • Apoteket AB
  • Swedish Chemicals Agency
  • Cepheid Inc
  • Swedish Food Agency
  • Goodpoint AB
  • Swedish Public Health Agency
  • Toxintelligence AB
  • OctaPharma Nordic AB
  • Trossa AB
  • TKT Sweden AB
  • Anocca
  • Pfizer

Some of our students also take the opportunity to perform a traineeship at the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy or European Food Safey Agency in Parma, Italy. 

Networking activities and platforms

Every year we organize Tox Master career events where we invite alumni from academia, the private or the public sectors to talk about their career paths and work experience. The events are followed by a mingle where you get the chance to meet and ask your questions over some snacks and drinks.

We encourage our students to join the Swedish Society for Toxicology (Svensk Förening för Toxikologi, SFT), whose purpose is to spread toxicological knowledge and information and to serve as a platform for networking between our members. SFT also arranges several seminars per year. More information can be found here►.

There is also a LinkedIn Alumni group which you can sign up for once you have joined the program.

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