Boosting stem cell repair capabilities

Karolinska Institutet stands as a global leader in stem cell research and reparative medicine, boasting robust research groups specializing across various disease domains.

Currently, much of our research operates at an experimental level, as scientists endeavor to pinpoint the precise signals necessary for the body to regenerate cells vital for combating disease. One established treatment method involves the transplantation of stem cells from healthy donors to replace diseased blood cells, a technique commonly employed in treating leukemia.

As we advance, we are swiftly approaching a clinical landscape where stem cell therapy becomes a standard approach for treating a broader spectrum of patients and ailments. For instance, ongoing trials focus on addressing serious congenital liver disorders in young patients. Rather than resorting to full liver transplantation, participants are offered stem cell therapies tailored to function as liver cells, showcasing a remarkable shift in treatment paradigms.

In equally promising avenues of exploration, our research extends to replacing specific cells crucial for conditions like macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness, and replenishing heart muscle cells damaged by oxygen deprivation during cardiac events.

Our bodies continually generate new cells to replace aging or damaged ones, a process orchestrated by specialized cells known as stem cells. These versatile cells, upon receiving specific signals, adapt to take on the characteristics of the cells they replace.

This remarkable capacity presents an unparalleled opportunity in medical research to devise novel treatments for diseases stemming from cellular damage or premature death, constituting the realm of reparative or regenerative medicine.
