Inspirational research environments for the scientists of tomorrow

The time when a researcher could conduct meaningful research in isolation is over. Today, the greatest breakthroughs are achieved through collaboration between the sharpest minds – those who dare to ask bold questions and challenge the reigning paradigms. It is only when basic research meets clinical research, where biology meets technology and new ideas meet competence and experience that the real benefits are created.

Therefore, Karolinska Institutet has invested in infrastructural development, with ultramodern and tailored laboratory buildings for experimental and clinical research, to create the best possible conditions for groundbreaking medical research.

A flexible research environment facilitates dynamic and continual variations in research group composition. The new laboratories are also an expression of Karolinska Institutet’s aspiration to catalyse the transformation of research breakthroughs into new diagnostics, treatments and care for the benefit of patients and society alike.

"In the Stockholm 3project, we have tested new biomarkers for prostate cancer that are much more reliable than PSA. The progress we have made is largely due to our well-established infrastructure, which enables us to quickly transfer scientific discoveries to the clinic. With more accurate prostate cancer tests, we can avoid unnecessary patient suffering and be more economical with society’s resources. We hope the test will be made available in routine healthcare soon.", says professor Henrik Grönberg.
