Perception Neuroscience: Media presence

The Washington Post
- Johan Lundström talks about how climate change is altering the smell of snow.
- Johan Lundström explains how the scent of a baby is uplifting to mothers.

The New York Times
- Johan Lundström describes his findings that people are able to correctly assign age labels to body odors originating from old-age donors but not to other age groups.
- Artin Arshamian presents the results from one of his studies on the relationship between memory and breathing.
- Johan Lundström talks about the "new baby smell".

Los Angeles Times
- Johan Lundström demonstrates his findings that people can pick out the aged aroma and how it is more pleasant and less intense than body odors from other age groups.

The Guardian
- Johan Lundström addresses early findings of chronic olfactory problems in people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in 2020.

- Artin Arshamian on how we share similar preferences when it comes to smell, regardless of cultural background.
- Johan Lundström explains that people can smell differences in dietary fat in food.
- Johan Lundström talks about how old people smell different, not worse.
- Johan Lundström explains why bacon is a gateway to meat for many vegetarians.

- Artin Arshamian talks about perfumes and smell perception.
- Johan Lundström explains how sending smells via the internet could be possible.
- Johan Lundström talks about how many lose their sense of smell without realizing it.
- Johan Lundström describes new finding that culture plays a minimal role in the perception of odor pleasantness.
- Johan Lundström explains why certain people smell more of sweat than others.
More from SVT

- Evelina Thunell talks about the possibilities of smell-TV.
- Johan Lundström talks about how losing the sense of smell and taste can lead to depression.
- Johan Lundström explains smell training and how it can be used after smell loss related to COVID-19.
- Johan Lundström explains that 90% of taste is actually smell.

Sveriges Radio
- Johan Lundström on how smell-tv could soon be a reality.
- Johan Lundström describes the importance of the sense of smell.
More from Sveriges Radio

Sveriges Radio: P1 Kropp & Själ
- Johan Lundström talks about what happens when one loses their sense of smell.
- Johan Lundström on taste.

Sveriges Radio: P1 Vetenskapsradion
- Johan Lundström discusses how Covid-19 can lead to olfactory dysfunction and consequences of losing the sense of smell.
- Johan Lundström and Artin Arshamian talks about how we are affected by smells.
- Johan Lundström talks about his research.
- Artin Arshamian on how the human sense of smell is actually very well developed.

Svenska Dagbladet
- Johan Lundström talks about the evolutionary benefits of the sense of smell.
- Artin Arshamian explains how breathing through the nose improves olfactory memory.
- Johan Lundström talks about myths and truths related to our sense of smell.
More from Svenska Dagbladet

Dagens Nyheter
- Johan Lundström addresses the high demand for treatment for smell loss.
Artin Arshamian on how fragrances can bring one's childhood back to life.

- Johan Lundström comments on a study about the science behind the teenage smell.
- Artin Arshamian talks about how memory is related to breathing.
More from Expressen

- Johan Lundström talks about the mechanisms behind COVID-19 related olfactory loss.
- Johan Lundström explains how the sense of smell has been a neglected sense.
More from Aftonbladet

Science Vs
- Artin Arshamian talks about the claims that so-called breathwork can cure depression and supercharge the brain.