KI & Roche Oncology Workshop

The KI and Roche Oncology workshop introduces the ambitions and ongoing efforts under the Master Collaboration Agreement (MCA), active since Dec. 2014.

Oncology workshop info

Welcome to the KI-Roche Oncology Workshop to network and to learn about the Master Collaboration Agreement and possibilities for joint projects.

Time: October 19-20, 2015.

Place: Nobel Forum

Contact: Sandra Falck, Mats Ferm, Björn Arvidsson

October 19

12:00 - 12:30 Workshop opening, networking & sandwich lunch for all

12:30 - 12:40 Klas Wiman, KI
Introduction and welcome - why are we here today

12:40 - 13:10 Pablo Umana, Roche
Key note: Introduction - who is Roche

13:10 - 13:40 Sten Eirik W. Jacobsen, KI & University of Oxford, UK
Key note: “Getting at the roots of Cancer: Identification, surveillance and targeting of cancer stem cells”

13:40 - 14:00 Arne Östman, KI & Christian Klein, Roche
"FAP - a candidate tumor stroma drug target"

14:00 - 14.15 Coffee

14.15 - 16.00 WS 1 & 2, pre-pregistration required
WS 1: Immunotherapy (Co-Chairs: Andreas Lundqvist, KI & Volker Teichgraeber, Roche)
WS 2: Tumor microenvironment (Co-Chairs: Arne Östman, KI & Fabien Gaire, Roche)

16.00 - 16.20 Coffee break and return to lecture hall

16.20 - 17.00 Panel discussion: Highlights WS1 & WS2 - potential projects
Workshop leads, Chair: Pavel Pisa

October 20

08.30 - 09.15 Garret Hampton, Genentech
Key note: NGS/Genetics/ FMI

09.15 - 11.00 WS 3 & 4, pre-registration required
WS 3: Biomarkers, discovery and development (Co-Chairs: Jonas Bergh, KI & Astrid Kiermaier, Roche)
WS 4: Genetics/ NGS (Co-Chairs: Henrik Grönberg, KI & Jim Bischoff, Roche)

11.00 - 11.20 Coffee

11.20 - 12.00 Panel discussion: Highlights WS3 & WS4 - potential projects
Workshop leads, Chair: TBA

12.00 - 12.30 Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren (KI) & Gerd Maass (Roche)
End note – value statement of strategic partnership

Background MCA

The Master Collaborative Agreement (MCA) for strategic collaboration in the Cancer Research field was signed by KI and Roche global research organization in December 2014. The aim is to develop new and better therapies and more specific methods for analyses, but also to identify novel signal pathways that can be targets for future drugs.

Article regarding the MCA in (in Swedish)

Joint Steering Committee

Members: Astrid Kiermaier (Roche), Pavel Pisa (Roche), Rune Toftgård (KI) and Klas Wiman (KI). Chair: Gabriele Beer (Roche).

Alliance Directors: Björn Arvidsson (Roche) and Mats Ferm (KI).

The Joint Steering Committee meets regularly (2-4 times yearly).

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