Cancer Research KI Reference Group

The reference group is comprised of one representative from each KI department (full member) and one substitute.

Members of the reference group have as one of their duties to distribute related information to their respective departments. This group should also utilise this forum for discussion about the organisation’s development and strategies, and relay ideas/suggestions to the Executive Board, as well as propose active members for the different working groups of the organisation. Positions to the Reference Group are to be filled based on suggestions from the chairpersons at the different departments of KI and selection made by the Cancer Research KI Executive Board. The composition of the reference group should take into account gender and career stage representation. 

Below are two tables with information regarding members across the KI departments, followed by adjunct members from the Karolinska University Hospital. Jonas Fuxe is the chair of the Reference Group and Ola Hermanson is the vice-chair of the Reference Group.

Members Across the Karolinska Institutet Departments
Department Member Suppleant
CNS Jeroen Goos Nitya Jayaram-Lindström
KI DS vacant vacant
LIME Carl Johan Sundberg Tanja Tomson
MedS Hanna Brauner Fredrik Wermeling
MMK Olof Akre Robert Bränstrom
OnkPat Martin Enge Theo Foukakis
GPH vacant vacant
KBH Anna Nilsson Pernilla Pergert
CMB Laura Baranello Arne Lindqvist
MBB Bennie Lemmens Simon Elsässer
MEB Therese Andersson Mark Clements
MTC Claudia Kutter Oscar Bedoya Reina
Neuro Ola Hermanson vacant
FyFa Erik Norberg vakant
IMM Fang Fang Agneta Åkesson
BioNut Staffan Strömblad Marco Gerling
KI SÖS Chunde Li vacant
CLINTEC Magnus Nilsson Rainer Heuchel
Dentmed Anders Gustafsson Karin Garming-Legert
LABMED Jonas Fuxe Dhifaf Sarhan
MedH Vanessa Lundin Sidinh Luc
NVS Ann Langius Eklöf Linda Björkhem-Bergman
Adjunct Members from the Karolinska University Hospital
Tema Theme Adjunct Members
Cancer Cancer Robert Granström
Barn och Kvinnosjukvård Children and Women's Health Svante Norgren
Hjärta och Kärl Heart and Vascular
Inflammation och Infektion Inflammation and Infection Ylwa Pernow
Neuro Neuro
Trauma och Reparativ Medicin Trauma and Reparative Medicine Per Mattsson
Åldrande Aging Martin Annetorp
Patientflödeschef (PFC) för barnonkologin Childrens oncology KUH Pernilla Grillner
Professor i medicinsk mikrobiell patogenes vid Karolinska Institutet Department of Medicine, Solna Mikrobiell Patogenes Cecilia Söderberg Naucler
Content reviewer:
Dina Dabaghie