Cancer Research KI Reference Group

The reference group is comprised of one representative from each KI department (full member) and one substitute.

Members of the reference group have as one of their duties to distribute related information to their respective departments. This group should also utilise this forum for discussion about the organisation’s development and strategies, and relay ideas/suggestions to the Executive Board, as well as propose active members for the different working groups of the organisation. Positions to the Reference Group are to be filled based on suggestions from the chairpersons at the different departments of KI and selection made by the Cancer Research KI Executive Board. The composition of the reference group should take into account gender and career stage representation. 

Below are two tables with information regarding members across the KI departments, followed by adjunct members from the Karolinska University Hospital. Jonas Fuxe is the chair of the Reference Group and Ola Hermanson is the vice-chair of the Reference Group.

Members Across the Karolinska Institutet Departments
CNSJeroen GoosNitya Jayaram-Lindström
KI DSvacantvacant
LIMECarl Johan SundbergTanja Tomson
MedSHanna BraunerFredrik Wermeling
MMKOlof AkreRobert Bränstrom
OnkPatMartin EngeTheo Foukakis
KBHAnna NilssonPernilla Pergert
CMBLaura BaranelloArne Lindqvist
MBBBennie LemmensSimon Elsässer
MEBTherese AnderssonMark Clements
MTCClaudia KutterOscar Bedoya Reina
NeuroOla Hermansonvacant
FyFaErik Norbergvakant
IMMFang FangAgneta Åkesson
BioNutStaffan StrömbladMarco Gerling
KI SÖSChunde Livacant
CLINTECMagnus NilssonRainer Heuchel
DentmedAnders GustafssonKarin Garming-Legert
LABMEDJonas FuxeDhifaf Sarhan
MedHVanessa LundinSidinh Luc
NVSAnn Langius EklöfLinda Björkhem-Bergman
Adjunct Members from the Karolinska University Hospital
TemaThemeAdjunct Members
CancerCancerRobert Granström
Barn och KvinnosjukvårdChildren and Women's HealthSvante Norgren
Hjärta och KärlHeart and Vascular
Inflammation och InfektionInflammation and InfectionYlwa Pernow
Trauma och Reparativ MedicinTrauma and Reparative MedicinePer Mattsson
ÅldrandeAgingMartin Annetorp
Patientflödeschef (PFC) för barnonkologinChildrens oncology KUHPernilla Grillner
Professor i medicinsk mikrobiell patogenes vid Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Medicine, Solna Mikrobiell PatogenesCecilia Söderberg Naucler
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