Patent Seminar

The Strategic research programs StratNeuro, StratCan, SRP Diabetes & StratRegen, and Stockholm Brain Institute organize joint patent seminars.

Schedule 2015

The patent seminar will be held four times during 2015:

  • February 2nd at 13.00, Seminar by Henrik Steinrud, European Patent Attorney. Solna campus (Lecture room ”Atrium”, Nobels väg 12B)
  • May 11th at 13.00, Seminar by Henrik Steinrud, European Patent Attorney. Huddinge campus (Novum, RED Seminar room, 6th floor)
  • September 8th at 13.00, Seminar by Marianne Neelissen, MSc, European Patent Attorney at Swea IP Law AB. Solna campus (Lecture room Hillarp, Retzius väg 8)
  • November 30th at 15.00, Seminar by Sofia Nikolopoulou, IP advisor at The Innovation Office, KI. Huddinge campus (Novum, RED Group room, 6th floor)

Are you considering patenting your idea or finding? Do you wonder if your scientific findings should be protected with a patent? - Then this seminar is for you!

Among topics that will be addressed are:

  • Patent and grant proposals – is there a potential problem here?
  • Prior art – what is it and how will it affect my possibility to patent – and how should I handle it?!
  • Is my idea patentable – what can I patent and what can I not?
  • Inventorship; Can I be considered inventor? What are the criteria and why is it important at all?
  • Who can advice me – is any help available at Karolinska Institutet?

Innovation Officers from KI Innovations will be present to discuss and answer questions.


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