Common Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) between CRKI and Karolinska CCC

A common international Scientific Advisory Board between Cancer Research KI and the Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center (Karolinska CCC) has been established. The board of directors of the KCCC, representing both the Karolinska Institute and The Karolinska University Hospital, aimed to incorporate advisory members with broad expertise in clinical, basic and caring cancer research; covering a varied set of cancer subdisciplines.

This common SAB will be able to advise on matters including, but not limited to, the long-term strategic development of research, education, care and prevention within cancer for both Cancer Research KI and the Karolinska CCC. The current members of the SAB are listed below in the table.


Common Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
Title/Full NameAffiliationCountry
Prof. Rupert HandgretingerMedical Director and Chair at the Children’s University Hospital and Department of Haematology/Oncology, University of TübingenGermany
Prof. Nancy BerlinerChief of the Division of Hematology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, as well as Professor at the Harvard Medical SchoolUSA
Prof. Laura EssermanDirector of the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center and Professor of Surgery and Radiology at UCSFUSA
Prof. Eric LartigauGeneral Director, Centre Oscar Lambret Lille as well as Professor in Radiation OncologyFrance
Prof. Alison RichardsonClinical Professor of Cancer Nursing and End of Life Care at the University of Southampton and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation TrustUK
Prof. Erlend B. SmelandDirector research, education and innovation, Oslo University Hospital as well as Professor at the Medical Faculty, University of OsloNorway
Prof. Josep TaberneroDirector of Vall d´Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), and Clinical Reasearch as well as Head of the Medical Oncology DepartmentSpain
Prof. Cornelis van de VeldeProfessor of Surgery, Head of the Department of Surgical Oncology, Endocrine & Gastrointestinal Surgery at the Leiden University Medical CenterNetherlands
Prof. Julian DownwardAssociate Research Director, the Francis Crick Institute in LondonUK

Scientific Advisory Board Visits

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