Clinical Researcher in Cancer Research at Karolinska - Call for expression of interest

The Strategic Research Programme in Cancer (StratCan) at Karolinska Institutet (KI), together with the Karolinska University Hospital, is announcing up to three Clinical Researcher positions in Cancer Research.

Priority will be given to the areas of molecular pathology and colorectal oncology for two of the positions, while the third position remains unspecified with regards to specialization.

The positions are intended for highly talented senior researchers. Depending on the situation of the individual applicant, the position may be announced from a Karolinska Institute Department with affiliation to a clinical department at Karolinska University Hospital (Senior Consultant or junior specialist), or vice versa. Researchers are intended to spend a minimum of 50-70% of their time on research.

The positions provide an opportunity for a visionary clinical researcher to impact further development of clinical research in disease areas of strategic importance. Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital offer a research environment of world class with excellent facilities in new state-of-the-art research and hospital buildings. Both employees at Karolinska Institutet / Karolinska University Hospital and external candidates are equivalently welcome to apply.

The positions will also be supported by significant research grants from StratCan/Karolinska Institutet and the Karolinska University Hospital allowing the researcher to have “a kick-start” at Karolinska. All researchers in receipt of these strategic funds are expected to work as research group leaders.

Announcement pfd


The applicant is to conduct internationally leading research within the specified field. The applicant should have his/her own established research line and great potential for continuing to conduct research of very high quality.

The applicant is also to have obtained, as the principal applicant, good, long-term external financing in recent years and must have the potential for obtaining additional research funding.

Applicants at Senior Researcher level/ Ass. professor/ professor will all be considered, please indicate in your 1-page motivational letter on what level you would be interested.

For a combination position with the hospital, please indicate your area of specialization as well as your preferred division of time research/ clinic.

The maximum time since graduating with a Ph.D. or attaining a corresponding level of scientific competence is intended as 15 years, although well-motivated exceptions may be considered.

If the candidate fulfills the requirements for a professor position at KI and does not already hold such a position at Karolinska Institutet, a professorship position may after consideration be announced in open competition.


Salary according to experience, based on pay scales at Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital.


For further information about the positions please contact Professors Jonas Bergh (Director StratCan), Eva Hellström-Lindberg, Anna Martling or the Cancer Theme Director Harald Blegen.

Submission & Deadline

Deadline for an expression of interest: November 20, 2017

Please send the following to Sandra Falck (

  • 1-page motivational letter (including a summary of qualifications)
  • Full CV and list of 10 most important publications
  • Present research budget
  • List of three references
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