C7F3181 - Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

The course is based on peer- and self-regulated learning strategies and theories of experiential learning, collaboration, and meaningful learning. To profit as much as possible from the learning experience of the course, it is important that you are prepared and be present at all scheduled sessions.

Share knowledge workshop meeting lecture work team Foto: GettyImages

Course description and syllabus (Fubas)

Language: English

Credits: 1,5 hp

Study period: 2025-09-01 to 2025-10-16. The course include 4 meetings: 3/9, 18/9, 2/10 samt 16/10

Application: Al Doctoral students within Mälarområdets Forskarskola are registered by KI. 

Litterature: see syllabus

Preparation and Assignments:

Course materials will be available via the course room in Canvas approximately 1 week before the course starts. Invitations will be sent via email.


  • Personal presentation in Canvas.
  • Watch a video and write a "viewing log".


  • Two written assignments
  • One examination assignment

Preliminärt schema

Ulrika Markne