Engagement and academic environment at GPH

At GPH, there are several formal and informal opportunities to engage in discussions with professors, PhD students, colleagues and friends. These are moments for researchers to booster reflexivity and critical thinking as well as to share experiences and knowledge. Moreover, these are suitable occasions to hold methodological and theoretical discussions and to find inspiration in the work of others.

Examples of activities at GPH

Journal clubs
Different journal clubs are held monthly at GPH. These are spaces for PhD students to exchange ideas and points of view on different topics regarding global health. For example, in one of the journal clubs we are currently discussing decolonizing global public health: global power relations and its implications to our field of study, our role as researchers in global academic discussions, etc. 

GPH seminars
Every Thursday, someone from the department presents their work at the GPH seminar. This is a great opportunity to transfer knowledge and get to know new methods. Questions are always welcome!

These academic activities are a key part of doctoral education since they provide Ph.D. students with instances in which they can witness and participate in scientific and academic discussions.

Fika in the kitchen on Wednesday
Every Wednesday at 2 p.m., we have fika at the GPH kitchen. Each week someone different brings something to eat, and people who are at the office share a moment. Both social and scientific conversations usually take place during fika, and it is an opportunity to interact with people who work in different groups or areas.

Breakfast meetings
Once per month, a breakfast meeting is held at the GPH kitchen. Researchers, professors, and other colleagues at KI present on a specific topic that can be of interest to others in the department. Breakfast meetings are a fantastic way of learning new topics and networking with people from other areas and departments at KI.

Department day 
Twice a year, we have a department day at GPH. This is a unique time to meet and network with people that one would not usually cross paths with (for example, because they work in a different building). It is also a space to bond while doing different activities (for example, dancing with Swedish folk!). 

Informal conversations at lunch or in our offices
Scientific discussions, exchange of information and bibliography, transfer of knowledge on specific topics or methods, advice on how to prepare grant applications, etc. also take place among peers in more informal environments, such as lunch or inside the offices. Things that you would not ask over an email may be easy questions to ask face-to-face.

Each of us has something to bring to the table

There are several opportunities for exchange at GPH, but this requires that people take an active part and engage in the meetings and conversations: listen to others, provide feedback, ask questions, give recommendations and advice, share experiences, etc. Each of us has something to bring to the table, and, in turn, get valuable knowledge and networks. 

We invite you to list any new ideas or initiatives to improve our collaborative work!
