Helle Mölsted Alvesson

Helle Mölsted Alvesson

Senior Forskningsspecialist | Docent
Telefon: +46852483332
Besöksadress: Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17177 Stockholm
Postadress: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Hanson, 171 77 Stockholm

Om mig

  • I am a medical anthropologist with a Ph.D in public health. My research
    focuses on the interface between community- and central-level practices in
    health and disease. I am specialized in designing and analyzing qualitative
    data in multi-disciplinary teams in low, middle and high-income settings. I
    am a senior research specialist at the Department of Global Public Health,
    Karolinska Institutet where I lead qualitative research studies often nested
    in complex interventions. My work elucidates how people define, experience,
    and cope with health concerns, and how people respond to public programs that
    promote improved human development.
    I am the departmental director of education at the Department of Global
    Public Health, Karolinska Institutet and leading teaching on qualitative
    methods in health in the master program of public health and master program
    in global health.


  • My research is focusing on different participatory methods and co-design
    processes to understand user perspectives in global public health challenges.
    I am engaged in implementation science and the steps we need to take
    to bridge the know-do gap.
    I am active in two implementation projects on maternal and newborn health:
    *ALERT - *Action Leveraging Evidence to reduce perinatal Mortality and
    morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa - https://alert.ki.se/ [1]
    *QUALI-DEC - *Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty
    DECision-making by women and providers https://www.ceped.org/fr/ [2]
    [1] https://alert.ki.se/
    [2] https://www.ceped.org/fr/Projets/Projets-Axe-1/article/quali-dec



Alla övriga publikationer


  • Senior Forskningsspecialist, Global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Examina och utbildning

  • Docent, Global hälsa, Karolinska Institutet, 2024
  • Medicine Doktorsexamen, Institutionen för global folkhälsa, Karolinska Institutet, 2014


  • Johanna Berg, 2019

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