Research presentations on clinical research

These clinical researchers investigate different aspects of diabetes such as effects of gastric bypass surgery, diet and nutrient interventions and novel pharmacological treatments. Short laymen presentations and filmed interviews. NOTE: interviews only in Swedish.

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Kerstin Brismar

Professor, Senior

Interview with Erik Näslund

Erik Näslund is a surgeon and studies the positive effects of gastric bypass surgery on diabetes and the mechanisms behind, interview in Swedish. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.

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Erik Näslund

Professor/Senior Physician

Want to learn more about the research of Tommy Olsson? Follow the link!

Tommy Olsson


Tommy Olsson is part of the Umeå University node of SRP Diabetes.

Interview with Claes-Göran Östensson

Claes-Göran researches on why type 2 diabetes develop and on novel treatments against it, interview in Swedish. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.

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Claes-Göran Östenson

Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Stefan Nobel