Henry leaves PSF


After five years at PSF our colleague Henry Ampah-Korsah has decided to leave for another position, and to continue developing his career outside of academia. We have been fortunate to have Henry in our team during this time. With his experience, skill, and tenacity he has contributed significantly to keeping the protein production services at the very highest standard, developing protocols and solving tricky problems. As a good colleague and friend, he will be missed. We wish Henry all the best for the future.

The PSF mammalian expression cell lab inaugurated


After two years of running our mammalian cell expression cultures in a fruitful collaboration with SciLifeLab, PSF can now happily start shaking the first HEK cultures in our own BSL2 lab in Biomedicum. After a long process of procurement and planning we have now populated the lab with CO2-shakers, LAF-hoods, microscope and other stuff needed for mammalian cell protein expression. We look forward to continue developing our protocols and skills in this area.

Add for PSF presentatin at AWL-KISP

PSF/PPS presentation at the AWL café in Innomedicum, KISP 


Tomas Nyman gave a presentation at the AWL café in Innomedicum. Invited by KI Science Park.

PPS at the Integrated Structural Biology symposia, SciLifeLab


The Integrated Structural Biology platform at SciLifeLab is linked to a network of important stakeholders, offering expertise in related areas. For the second time at the ISB annual user symposia, Tomas Nyman presented the national infrastructure Protein Production Sweden.

Henrik Spåhr joins the PSF team

November 2023

As of November 1, Henrik joins our group. Henrik has been working with production of recombinant proteins, biochemistry, and crystallography for many years. He brings valuable experience to PSF. Warm welcome!

PPS at the Integrated Structural Biology symposia


The Integrated Structural Biology platform at SciLifeLab is linked to a network of important stakeholders, offering expertise in related areas. At the ISB symposia held at SciLifeLab, Tomas Nyman presented the national infrastructure Protein Production Sweden.

Group photo PPS retreat 2022

First Protein Production Sweden retreat held in Hällsnäs


Almost all staff from the seven labs of the national infrastructure PPS gathered in Hällsnäs not far from Göteborg during a retreat 29-30 September. It was the first get-together of all involved and we had great discussions and presentations. The venue and food was just outstanding!

PSF teaches at the InfraLife Integrative Structural Biology course


In the last week of August, 26 PhD students visited the PSF labs in Biomedicum to get hands-on experience in isolating and freezing protein crystals, trying out xray model-building and refinement software, getting a close look at a hi-throughput protein production lab and learn about different E.coli strains and different expression and purification techniques. This practical and hands-on visit was very much appreciated by the students. We hope to participate in the course next time.

The InfraLife is an initiative to maximize benefits of Sweden’s large-scale research infrastructures; ESS, MAX IV and SciLifeLab. It is a four-year project funded by the Swedish research council (VR) grant “For accessibility to infrastructure” that started in 2021. To arrange courses was part of the original application, to increase knowledge about available techniques at the different infrastructures, and how they complement one another. The first suggested course theme was structural biology, hence the project arranged the InfraLife integrative structural biology  course in the fall of 2022.

KI Core Facility Poster Lunch


About 20 Core facilities from KI Nord och KI Solna arranged a joint lunch poster session in the Biomedicum atrium. The event were advertized primariliy towards PhD students and post-docs. Lunch sandwishes and drinks were offered. Quite many young researchers showed up and we had many interesting discussions. This was a good format for CF-reach out and we plan to arrange similar events twice per year, alternating between north campus (Solna) and south campus (Flemingsberg).

PSF presents at the Sweprot conference in Tällberg


PSF presented two posters and had many fruitful interactions at the yearly conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function in Tällberg, Dalarna.

PSF team at Testa Center in Uppsala
PSF team at Testa Center in Uppsala Photo: Tomas Nyman

Testa Center pilot project successful


The whole group just spent 3 weeks at Testa Center at the Cytiva site in Uppsala. We ran 150 liter E.coli fermentation twice, and 5x5 liter bioreactors twice, with different constructs and conditions. Hard work and long days, but very educational and rewarding - and very fun! The staff at Testa Center were super helpful and generous with their time and know-how! Thank you so much.

Eukaryotic protein expression in collaboration with SciLifeLab Solna


PSF is now ready to offer protein expression services in eukaryotic systems, predominantly HEK293 cells. The quick start is made possible through a colloboration aggreement with SciLifeLab Solna, who make their modern BSL2-lab available to PSF and PSF projects. As part of the agreement PSF takes over the responsibility of managing the maintenance of the cell lab, introducing new users and give support. The PSF group member Juni Andréll will be the responsible lab-manager. Contact PSF for questions at

PSF offers eukaryotic protein production


Starting this spring, PSF are happy to offer protein expression services in eukaryotic systems, predominantly HEK293 cells. Contact PSF for questions at

PSF welcomes new group member Juni Andréll


We are very happy to welcome Juni Andréll to the group. Juni will be heading the work in eukaryotic protein production, predominantly in HEK293 and CHO cells.


Protein Production Sweden

Protein Production Sweden officially started


Together with six other protein production facilities (at UmU, KTH, GU and LU), PSF forms the national infrastructure Protein Production Sweden (PPS). The funding runs 2022-2026 and total funding is 42 MSEK, with equal contribution from the universities. PSF receives 1.3 MSEK/year plus equal contribution from KI. This infrastructure offers recombinant protein production in a variety of expressinon systems: E.coli, insect cells, yeast, mammalian cells, plant cells, and cell-free expression.


PSF receives 750,000 SEK support from KI for pilot project at Testa Center


After finalizing the procurement agreement between KI and Testa Center, the idea is that PSF will act as a supporting link for researchers who aim to utilize the agreement and perform work at Testa Center. For this, PSF staff need to build an understanding of the industrial scale technologies used at Testa C. The KI vice chancellor has approved to support the costs for educational pilot work. The project is planned for the spring of 2022.

New national infrastructure PPS awarded 42 MSEK by VR


Together with six other protein production facilities (at UmU, KTH, GU and LU), PSF now forms the national infrastructure Protein Production Sweden (PPS). The funding runs 2022-2026 and total funding is 42 MSEK, with equal contribution from the universities. PSF receives 1.3 MSEK/year plus equal contribution from KI. This infrastructure offers recombinant protein production in a variety of expressinon systems: E.coli, insect cells, yeast, mammalian cells, plant cells, and cell-free expression. The organisation, website and user request web portal is under construction, but all sites are already operational and continuously take requests.

PSF 10 year anniversary!


The PSF officially launched on September 12, 2011. Then in the old MBB dept quarters in Scheele laboratories, the core facility formed as a spin-off from the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC), Stockholm branch. When the 6-year old SGC-Sthlm project run out of funds, the instrumentation, protocols, and knowhow was transformed into a core facility for protein production, macromolecular crystallography, and biophysical characterization of proteins.

From 2012 to 2015 the number of PI-groups working with PSF steadily increased, and has since stayed stable at 60-70 unique PI-groups each year.

Frame agreement between KI and Testa Center in place


Karolinska Institutet (KI) recently signed a frame agreement with Testa Center, Uppsala, to enable access to laboratories for the scale up of biological products from lab bench to industrial-scale quantities. The frame agreement was worked in place by Tomas Nyman, Richard Cowburn and Hannes Olsson, on request from the vice chancellor.

Image: Getty Images

PSF COVID-19 collaborations

March 2020

Since March 2020, the PSF has been heavily engaged in several efforts connected to COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV2 virus. In particular, we have teamed up with colleagues from different universities in various projects funded by KAW, administered by SciLifeLab national COVID-19 research programs. Projects have been both with Tomas Nyman, PSF, as main applicant and co-applicant and collaborations with other groups.

PSF receives 500,000 SEK grant for SARS-CoV2 research

March 2020

Within the COVID-19 programme "Viral sequence evolution", funded by KAW and administered by SciLifeLab. PSF received a grant for the project "Analysis of essential genes and validity as drug targets" toghether with Biomedrex and Teodor Pramer, with Tomas Nyman as main applicant. Within the project PSF has cloned a long range of plasmids expressing guidance-RNA for Cas13, targeting various genes of the SARS-CoV2 genome, and also produced Cas13 and Cas12 enzymes.

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