NatMEG Core Facility - about us
NatMEG Core Facility is a national infrastructure, available for researchers from all across Sweden. It was inaugurated in 2013 and is one of out of only 170 active MEG labs worldwide.
Meet our team
Scientific Director
Daniel Lundqvist
ProfessorHead of core facility
Christoph Pfeiffer
Assistant ProfessorPostdoctoral researcher
Josefine Waldthaler
Postdoctoral ResearcherAffiliated researchers
Andreas Gerhardsson
Postdoctoral ResearcherMatti Hämäläinen
Affiliated to ResearchRobert Oostenveld
Affiliated to ResearchMikkel Vinding
Affiliated to ResearchContact
The Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet is the host department for NatMeg Core Facility which is located at KI Campus Solna.
Core facility email:
Mailing address: Karolinska Institutet, NatMEG, SE-171 77 Stockholm
Visiting address: NatMEG Core Facility, entrance floor, Nobels väg 9, D2:D235, Solna
Support and funding
The equipment at NatMEG is sponsored by Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
The operation and service is funded Karolinska Institutet and a grant from Vetenskapsrådet, the Swedish Research Council.
The NatMEG guest professors are supported by the Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (StratNeuro) at Karolinska Institutet.