SFO-V Fellows (en)
Presentation of SFO-V Fellows

Lina Bergman
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Lina Bergman is a specialist nurse in critical care and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Care science. She is a postdoctoral fellow in the research group Perioperative care at the department of nursing, NVS and active in the research program PeriBrainCare (www.peribraincare.com). Lina's research areas include patient safety in intensive care, health literacy and recovery and follow-up after surgery.
The project focuses on older people's cognitive recovery after heart surgery. The number of older people that receive surgical treatment is increasing. Cognitive decline is however a common complication after otherwise uneventful surgery that might impact both the patient’s recovery, quality of life and daily living, as well as their close relatives. The project will study the prevalence of postoperative cognitive decline in older people who have undergone heart surgery, explore how patients suffering from postoperative cognitive decline experience their postoperative recovery and daily living, as well as investigate close relatives’ assessment of the patient’s cognition and evaluate their caregiver burden.
Lina Bergman
Postdoctoral Researcher, university lecturer / SFO-V Fellow
Karin Emtell Iwarsson
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Karin Emtell Iwarsson is a registered nurse midwife, postdoctoral researcher and SFO-V Fellow at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet. She is a member of the FoU at Karolinska University Hospital/Karolinska Institutet and the Science and Education Committee within the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC). Her PhD thesis Contraceptive counseling and use with a focus on migrant women in Sweden, consisted of a cross-sectional study, a cluster randomized controlled trial, and individual in-depth interviews with focus on foreign-born women. The thesis contributed with new knowledge and understanding of contraceptive use among foreign-born women and factors which may influence the use. Additionally, it presented a new structured way on how to provide contraceptive counseling, which may improve contraceptive counseling for all, regardless of background.
Karin’s postdoc project (the LOWEC trial) aligns with her earlier research since it comprises contraceptive counseling. However, the new approach to include pharmacies instead of healthcare clinics is a novel take on the research. Her project connects to SFO-V’s core areas, eHealth and self-management. The project consists of a cross-over cluster randomized controlled trial at pharmacies in the Stockholm region and a process evaluation. The pharmacies will invite women buying an emergency contraceptive pill over-the-counter to participate in the trial. Participants visiting a control pharmacy will receive the standard practice of emergency contraceptive pill purchase alone without further guidance. Participants visiting an intervention pharmacy will receive online structured contraceptive counseling plus an online invitation to a sexual and reproductive health clinic for contraceptive provision.
The purpose of the project is to increase sexual and reproductive health and rights through the improvement of contraceptive counseling and easy access to service and, thus, participants’ use of effective contraception after the purchase of an emergency contraceptive pill.
Karin Emtell Iwarsson
Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Midwife / SFO-V Fellow
Nathalie Frisendahl
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Nathalie Frisendahl is a postdoctoral researcher and SFO-V Fellow at NVS and the Department of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet. She defended her thesis "Injurious falls in older adults: early identification of individuals at risk of falls—from observational studies to implementation" in June 2023. Nathalie has been a registered physiotherapist since 2013 and has worked clinically in primary care, mainly with older people in home rehabilitation. She has a Bachelor's degree in physiotherapy from Karolinska Institutet and a Master's degree from Umeå University, and her master's thesis focused on older people with osteoporosis.
Nathalie's project aims to test the clinical usability of the screening instrument First-time Injurious Falls (FIF) screening tool. The FIF tool predicts the risk of harmful fall accidents in older people. The project includes patients who visit memory clinics to investigate cognitive impairment/dementia.
Nathalie Frisendahl
Postdoctoral Researcher / SFO-V Fellow
Hanna Johansson
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Hanna Johansson is a registered physiotherapist with a PhD in medical science at Karolinska Institutet. She defended her doctoral thesis "Balance & Gait in Parkinson's disease: from Perceptions to Performance" in 2020. Hanna is currently an SFO-V fellow and postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Physiotherapy. She is also affiliated to Karolinska University Hospital and Stockholm Sjukhem.
Hanna conducts research connected to the STEPS (Support for home Training using Ehealth in Parkinson's disease) trial, which is a collaborative project between Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm Sjukhem. The project evaluates the effect of individually adapted, eHealth-delivered, home training for people with Parkinson's disease (PD). In her research, Hanna also evaluates how primary care can optimize the clinical assessment of people with PD by integrating wearable sensors for motion analysis.
Hanna Johansson
Postdoctoral Researcher / SFO-V Fellow
Sebastian Lindblom
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Sebastian Lindblom is a registered physiotherapist with a PhD in medical sciences. He is a postdoctoral researcher and SFO-V Fellow at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Karolinska Institutet. His research focuses on how sensemaking, continuous learning and collaborative approaches can help promote the development and implementation of person-centred integrated care. He is passionate about how integrated care can be developed, implemented, and sustained through interdisciplinary and collective actions in partnership with citizens and patients. Sebastian has a clinical position at the Karolinska University Hospital. He is the chair of the Emerging Researchers and Professionals in Integrated Care and committed to disseminating integrated care research and practice translation, strengthening the knowledge exchange and support for early career researchers and professionals.
Sebastian's project is based on theories of sensemaking and explores how people with stroke and their relatives experience and make sense of their new life situation after stroke and how it changes over time. The project also explores healthcare professionals', managers', and decision-makers perspectives on how person-centred integrated care can be implemented in practice. Further, the project aims to explore how learning networks can promote more person-centred and integrated care to support people with stroke and TIA to manage their health and everyday lives.
Sebastian Lindblom
Postdoctoral Researcher / SFO-V Fellow
Ingrid Svensson
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Ingrid Svensson is a licensed psychologist and PhD in technology management and economics, from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. She currently works as a teacher and postdoctoral researcher in the research group Leadership for Health Care and Academia at LIME, Karolinska Institutet. During and after her doctoral studies, Ingrid studied public organisations and how they adapted to work more strategically. In particular, she has studied the role of strategist within municipal organisations and the challenges within that role. She has also participated in Magnet4Europe, an international research project that follows the introduction of the Magnet model in over 60 hospitals around Europe. She has a great interest in what different professions do in their everyday work, how they relate to each other and how this can contribute (or not contribute) to prosperous organisations and employees.
Ingrids current project is entitled: 'There are too many administrators, and they don't understand anything', a study of tensions and contradictions between the 'administration' and staff close to care in health care.
The project aims to increase understanding of how both so called occupational professionals and organisational professionals (commonly referred to as 'clinicians ' and ' the administration' respectively) are involved in and construct tensions and contradictions between them in their everyday working life, as well as what organisational consequences these tensions and contradictions create. The project aims to influence working methods concerning different types of professionals collaborations and how to organise so that the competences of different professional categories is utilised. The project uses qualitative methods and data will mainly consist of interviews and observations.
Ingrid Svensson
Postdoctoral Researcher / SFO- Fellow
Linda Timm
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Linda Timm is a registered occupational therapist with a master’s degree in global health and a doctoral degree from the Department of Global Public Health at Karolinska Institutet in the area of diabetes prevention. After her dissertation in 2021, Linda worked at the Division of Occupational Therapy as a teacher and postdoctoral researcher, where she mainly conducted research within a project that implemented stroke rehabilitation in Uganda. Linda is currently a member of the research group 'Narrative in health and social care', which focuses on narrativity as a phenomenon and method.
Linda’s research focus is on developing person-centered care by using opportunities for narrativity in the communication between frail older persons and their caregivers and significant others. By applying narrative methods, knowledge will be developed to contribute to the care sciences and improve conditions for older people.
Linda Timm
Postdoctoral Researcher / SFO-V Fellow
Andreas Wallin
Postdoctoral Researcher
In short
Andreas Wallin is a registered physiotherapist and doctor in medical science at Karolinska Institutet. His clinical background is as a physiotherapist in neurological rehabilitation. He completed his doctoral education within the Doctoral School of Healthcare Science at Karolinska Institutet and is currently an SFO-V Fellow and a postdoc at the Division of Physiotherapy. Andreas defended his thesis "Balance Control in People with Multiple Sclerosis: Mechanisms, Experiences, Design and Feasibility of an Exercise Trial" in 2023.
Andreas conducts research aimed at exploring motor-cognitive function in people with neurological diseases. Within the ongoing research project, the effect of intensive motor-cognitive balance training in people with multiple sclerosis is evaluated. Furthermore, a novel motor-cognitive intervention specific to people with Parkinson's disease is developed within the ongoing research project. The research will hopefully contribute to person-centered care, which in turn can provide improved quality and efficiency in rehabilitation.