Ing-Mari Dohrn

Ing-Mari Dohrn

Assistant Senior Lecturer | Docent
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Fysioterapi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am Associate Professor and Assistant Senior Lecturer and I work as a researcher and teacher at the Division of Physiotherapy, Dept of Neurobiology, Health Care Sciences and Society. I am a registered physiotherapist and my clinical background is in the primary healthcare. I have also worked with the implementation of Physical activity on prescription (FaR) in the Stockholm County and as a course coordinator for the Doctoral school of research in family medicine, KI/SLL. I was a postdoc researcher at Aging Research Center 2018/19 and guest researcher at Stockholm Gerontology Research Center 2022/23. I have ongoing collaborations with researchers at Arizona State University and at the University of Queensland, where I also have been a visiting postdoc.
    2019 I was awarded Best Oral Presentation in Medicine/Physiology at the Swedish Association for Physical Activity and Sports Medicine Conference.
    I am chair of the Swedish Professionals Association for Physical Activity (YFA) and editor for FYSS 2021 and eFYSS.


  • My research have focus on physical activity, sedentary behavior and
    health, and on objective assessment of physical activity (accelerometry). I
    am a member of Professor Hagströmer's research group "Physical activity and
    Sports medicine with focus on prevention" and have investigated the
    associations of objectively assessed sedentary time and physical activity
    with mortality and morbidity in a Swedish population-based cohort (the
    ABC-study) with 15 years follow-up.
    I have received a postdoctoral grant as a SFO-V fellow from the Strategic
    Research Area Health Care Science at KI, 2018/19. In my postdoc project
    I investigated objectively assessed sedentary behavior and its association
    with cognitive function in over 650 older women and men, participating in the
    Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K).
    The overall aim of my thesis was to explore correlates for physical activity
    in older adults with osteoporosis and to evaluate whether a specific,
    progressive balance-training program focusing on dual- and multi-task
    exercises had effects on objectively measured habitual physical activity and
    health-related quality of life.

    *Additional publications:*
    Professional Associations for Physical Activity. *Dohrn IM, * Jansson E,
    Börjesson M, Hagströmer M, (Eds.) FYSS 2021. Physical Activity in the
    Prevention and Treatment of Disease (in Swedish: FYSS 2021. Fysisk aktivitet
    i sjukdomsprevention och sjukdomsbehandling) Stockholm: Läkartidningen
    Förlag AB; 2021. ISBN: 978-91-985098-2-3
    Helbostad J, Frändin K, *Dohrn IM.* Rekommendationer om fysisk aktivitet och
    stillasittande för äldre. In: FYSS 2021. Physical Activity in the
    Prevention and Treatment of Disease, Stockholm: Läkartidningen Förlag AB;
    2021. ISBN: 978-91-985098-2-3
    Kallings LV, Eriksson M, Lundqvist S, *Dohrn IM*. Fysisk aktivitet på recept
    – FaR. In: FYSS 2021. Physical Activity in the Prevention and Treatment of
    Disease, Stockholm: Läkartidningen Förlag AB; 2021. ISBN: 978-91-985098-2-3
    Hagströmer M, Leijon M, Eriksson U, *Dohrn IM.* Åtta insatser för att
    främja fysisk aktivitet – som fungerar! In: FYSS 2021. Physical Activity
    in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease, Stockholm: Läkartidningen
    Förlag AB; 2021. ISBN: 978-91-985098-2-3
    *Dohrn IM, *Vidlund E. Fysioterapeutens perspektiv på stillasittande. In:
    Ekblom Bak E (Red.), Långvarigt stillasittande - en hälsofara i tiden?
    Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2021. ISBN: 978-91-4413-867-1
    *Dohrn IM. *Stillasittande och äldre. In: Ekblom Bak E (Red.), Långvarigt
    stillasittande - en hälsofara i tiden? Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2021.
    *Dohrn IM, *Börjesson M, Emtner M*.* (Red.) Fysisk aktivitet som medicin –
    en praktisk handbok utifrån FYSS. Stockholm: SISU Idrottsböcker; 2018.
    ISBN: 978-91-7727-035-5
    *Dohrn IM. *Sport prescription in Sweden, an effective tool? /Sport et
    Santé en Europe/Sport and Health in Europe, Sport & Citizenship, Sept 2014./
    *Dohrn IM*, Lundin M, Nilsson-Wikmar L. Sjukgymnastiskt vårdprogram för
    gravida med rygg/bäckensmärta - en pilotstudie. /Nordisk Fysioterapi


  • My areas of teaching expertise are in physical activity and health, Physical
    activity on prescription (FaR), objective assessment of sedentary behavior
    and physical activity, and physical activity older adults. I am the course
    leader for the freestanding courses "Physical Activity as Prevention
    FYSS/FaR" and "Prevention and Treatment of Unhealthy Lifestyle" (7.5
    credits). I teach at the Physiotherapy program, the Medicine program,
    and advanced courses at KI. I also teach doctoral level courses at KI, and
    I have been responsible for course planning and course syllabus as a course
    coordinator for the Doctoral school of research in family medicine.


All other publications


  • Assistant Senior Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2023
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2015
  • Master Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2008

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