Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and Global Surgery – Jenny Löfgren's research group

In this research group, the research areas of global surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery meet. The research is to a large extent focused on the development and improvement of surgical health care including surgical techniques, surgical training and in the end improved outcome for patients in Sweden as well as globally. Internationalisation is at the core of this research group and we collaborate widely with partners from several other disciplines and in countries of all income levels.

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Global Surgery

Most of us will need surgical treatment at some point in our lives. We develop cancer, obstetric complications or suffer from different types of traumatic injuries. Once that happens, we take for granted that the health care system will be able to provide us with timely surgical interventions as required. In many countries, this is not the case.

Five billion people do not have access to quality surgical services at an affordable cost when needed. Lack of surgical healthcare costs lives and money. Each year, surgical conditions cause the loss of 16.9 million lives. This is more than the number of deaths from tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. The burden of surgical disease is highest in sub-Saharan Africa where access to surgery is most limited.

Surgical procedures are often highly cost-effective. Conditions that result in a significant burden of disease and where surgery is an important part of the treatment should be prioritized. Groin hernia, paediatric surgical conditions and breast and colorectal cancer meet these criteria.

Overview of fields where the Global Surgery group are working
Overview Global Surgery MMK

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Jenny Löfgren

Affiliated to Research

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Mary Margaret Ajiko

Affiliated to Research

PhD Students

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Olof Bladin

Phd Student

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Salim Tamimi

Phd Student
Cell and Molecular Biology Congenital Abnormalities Global Health Health Care Economics and Organizations Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Medical Materials Orthopaedics Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Surgery Surgery, Plastic Surgical Oncology Show all
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