Support systems and health care
It is unclear what the real needs of care and support are for mental health problems among both adults and younger age groups. Further, the mental health care system is not equal and some groups are underserved, e.g. foreign born minors. By performing intervention studies aiming at reaching out to foreign born, as well as broad computerised assessments, we explore the most efficient levels of support in a wide sense in society in collaboration with BRIS, Mind, Friends and Tilia.
Research project

Pedals - Prevalence of emotional distress and mental disorders among teenagers in Sweden and their need for support

Bridging Barriers to mental health support for newly arrived minors (TINA-Tidiga Insatser NyAnlända)

Breathe easy - Yoga’s effect on health-related quality of life in adults with post COVID-19 condition

Mindfulness Based Interventions and mental health
Psychiatry Sweden

Psychiatry Sweden – the register linkage at the EPiCSS group
Psychiatry Sweden (PS) contain data of the total population of Sweden. It is a register created by linkage of several national and local registers in Sweden, via the unique personal identification number and consists of approximately 15 million individuals. Our ethical approval covers occurrence, causes and consequences of mental illness, and PS can only be used for that purpose, within this research group. PI Christina Dalman.