Before the defence or licentiate seminar

You, who are a doctoral student at NVS, can read here about the routines that apply at our department when you are planning for your dissertation. You will find KI’s overall rules and regulations on

Reservation of date

Contact Heli Vänskä, the co-ordinator for doctoral education, to make sure that your choice of date and time doesn't collide with someone else’s dissertation within the same area of research.

Signing of application

Erik Sundström, study director for doctoral studies, reviews and approves your defence application. 

E-mail your completed application form to,  with CC to Erik Sundström and Heli Vänskä, at least 5 working days prior to the last date of submission to the dissertation committee. Neither your application nor the conflict of interest declaration need to be signed at this stage.

Enclose the following attachments to your application:

  • Ladok – certificate of registration, including each semester’s study activity. To include the study activity in the certificate, check the boxes for “All registrations arranged by program” and “Study activity and funding”. The study activity is not registered in ladok until the end of each semester, which the dissertation committee is aware of.
  • Ladok – transcript of records. You will find a description of all the compulsory courses and learning outcomes in the General syllabus for third-cycle/doctoral education in the subject of Medical Science
  • A copy of your half time protocol.
  • Constituent papers and manuscripts.
  • Ethical permits (the application form including project plan, patient information and decision). 

Erik Sundström will get back to you and explain which parts of your application you need to revise (if any).

When you have revised the application, you and your supervisors must (e-)sign the application. Make a pdf-file of it and send it to Erik Sundström. He signs your application and then forwards it to the head of department for approval. 

You don’t have to send any attachments this time, the application itself is enough.

Don’t forget to fill in the names of the people who will e-sign, including Erik Sundström and Maria Ankarcrona (D5-D7). You don't need to fill in any dates as they will appear in the e-signature.

After the application has been signed by the study director and the head of the department, the head of department co-ordinator will send it back to you.

Application to the dissertation committee

When you have received your approved application back, add all the attachments and create part 1 and part 2 of your application. Now it is ready to be uploaded to the dissertation committee.

Send a copy of your thesis to the co-ordinator of doctoral education

Send a copy of your thesis to:


Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Attn: Heli Vänskä, co-ordinator doctoral education

Karolinska Institutet

Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2

141 83 Huddinge

Booking of venue

For booking a room and other practical arrangements, contact your department administrator.


Send information about your dissertation to the person responsible for the web on your division for listing the event on the KI and NVS Calendar 5 - 7 weeks before the dissertation. If there is no such person on your division, contact NVS Communication officer.

After the defense

Send the form no. 11, the examination board’s decision, in original to:


Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Attn: Heli Vänskä, co-ordinator doctoral education

Karolinska Institutet

Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2

141 83 Huddinge


NB. Digital signing of the form is not permitted.

More information

You will find more information on KI’s rules and regulations on Time to defend your thesis

Heli Vänskä