Ingela Petersson Lies Memorial Fund
This fund in the memory of Ingela Petersson Lies aims to give support to registered Occupational Therapists who have recently received a PhD and who show a great interest and aptitude in research in Occupational Therapy and/or Occupational Science.

A grant will be given to support new researchers who, in the spirit of Ingela, seek challenges with curiosity and see possibilities, as Ingela did.
Karolinska Institute hereby announces the grant 2025 at the Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS).
Possible candidates are newly qualified* occupational therapists in Sweden who have worked to connect research with undergraduate education in Occupational Therapy, have worked for international collaboration or develop new methods within Occupational Therapy research.
The grant will be awarded according to recommendations of the fund's Committee composed of five persons: two representatives from Ingela Petersson Lies family, two associate professors/researchers and the Head of the division of Occupational Therapy at Karolinska Institutet. The scholarship is awarded at Arbetsterapiforum (or digital forum), where the scholarship holder also gives a popular science lecture on occupational therapy.
Proposals of suitable candidates should be made after the publication of the announcement on the website of the Division of Occupational Therapy at Karolinska Institutet.
Find the application form and assessment criteria as separate documents below (in Swedish only).
Please note that this is the last time that the scholarship is awarded and the fund is thereafter closed. Instead, you can donate to the cancer fund.
* Newly qualified means that the defense must have taken place no later than three years before the application deadline.