Education at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

The Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care coordinates, quality assures and organises education and training for staff and students in family medicine and primary care. The division has the main responsibility for components of Karolinska Institutet's Study Programme in Medicine and offers Master's level courses, and continuing education courses for healthcare professionals.

The Study Programme in Medicine is currently changing its curriculum to a 6-year programme. Family medicine will continue to play a major role in the new Study Programme in Medicine, with components in 10 of the programme's 12 semesters.

The 5.5-year Study Programme in Medicine

The Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care has overarching responsibility for four components of KI's 5.5-year Study Programme in Medicine.

  • Primary care track
  • Examinations – integrated final examination (IST)
  • Clinical rotations ily medicine for foreign students

The Primary care track

The division is tasked with training medical students in family medicine/primary care throughout the programme, with primary care components included in most semesters. The overall aim is to progressively train students to treat patients with a variety of diseases and health problems. We offer students independent clinical involvement from an early stage in the programme, and individually tailored supervision in relation to their education level and progression in most semesters.

Overall objectives for primary care in the Study Programme in Medicine

  • Early patient contact and consultation training from the first semester. Students receive basic consultation training of increasing difficulty throughout the programme.
  • Opportunities for problem-based and experiential learning and integration of knowledge from multiple courses and levels in the primary care context.
  • Opportunities for supervised practice and for learning to treat patients with common public health diseases as well as patients with diffuse symptom presentations.
  • Focus on the individual in relation to illness and health. Demonstrate the importance of continuity for patients and the importance of the personal physician over time.
  • Interprofessional teamwork in primary care and characteristics of primary care partners.

Examinations – integrated final examination

The integrated final examination (IST) is an examination intended to ensure that the student has achieved the objectives of the medical degree and has the necessary qualifications for it. By working mainly independently and in dialogue with fellow students during the course, the student further develops their integrated understanding of the content of their medical studies for the situation-based examination.

The 6-year Study Programme in Medicine

In the 6-year Study Programme in Medicine, which will not be fully implemented until spring semester 2027, there are family medicine/primary care components in 10 of the programme's 12 semesters.
Our role here is very similar to our previous role, but has been expanded in a number of areas. We have been given greater responsibility for training in clinical skills, including both consultation training and clinical examination of patients. We have a greater responsibility for the semester 12 course in clinical medicine, in which students have a longer clinical placement at a healthcare centre.

Physiotherapy Program

The Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care conducts a lecture and a seminar in General Medicine as part of the course:

  • Theme: Health and Healthcare Medical subjects 2. 7,5 credits (1FY034), Term 4 

Master's level education

Research School in General Medicine

Continuing education courses for healthcare professionals

A fundamental idea is to build off of the reality of the patients and healthcare professionals, and to capitalise on the experience and knowledge that exists in primary care. We do this in various ways, for example through our contract education courses.



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