About the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

The division has a strong foundation in family medicine and primary care, with topics that combine high scientific quality with benefits for patients and society.

The Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care coordinates, ensures quality, and organizes university education for students at all levels. A significant part of our work is medical education, where the division has overall responsibility for three parts of the study programme in medicine: clinical rotations and theory at many levels of the programme, the integrated final exam, and clinical rotations for foreign students. The division has its own research school for doctoral students. Additsionally we offer courses within the physiotherapy programme and advanced-level courses for primary care personnel.

Our division is actively involved in doctoral education and extensive research, with approximately 70 researchers and doctoral students focusing on family medicine and primary care. Our research covers clinical, patient-centered, epidemiological, and healthcare science aspects. We contribute with research is  in following main fields: pedagogy, social work in healthcare, mental health, and chronic conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and pain.

The Department of General Medicine in Stockholm was established in 1988 when Stockholm received its first professorship in general medicine at Karolinska Institutet (KI) through the recruitment of Professor Hans Åberg. Professor Åberg systematically and securely built up the department, which later merged with other major institutions and is now a section within the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences, and Society (NVS). Jan Sundquist continued Professor Åberg’s work, including further development of research activities, with a strong focus on migration medicine.

Head of the Division

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Helena Salminen

Senior Lecturer/Specialist Physician

Deputy/Acting Head of the Division

Deputy Head of the Division – Strategic Research Focus

Financial Coordinator

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Mira Lukenic



Alejandra Ruz Torres

Utbildningsadministratör T4, T9, IST
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Marie Beckeman

Utbildningsadministratör BV3, T11

Alexia Sillivridou

Utbildningsadministratör BV1, BV2, BV5

Vanya Elias

Utbildningsadministratör T5, T6, T7

Staff Members within the Division

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Post- och besöksadress

Karolinska Institutet
Institutionen för neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle
Avdelningen för allmänmedicin och primärvård
Alfred Nobels allé 23, A4
141 83 Huddinge

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