Forskarstuderande vid enheten för pediatrik

Forskarstuderande vid enheten

Tamara Al Ani

Evaluating and optimizing drug treatment in paediatric patients with kidney impairment

Ingrid Alvarez

Psychoactive drugs and breastfeeding

Anna Claréus

Aspects of cord clamping time and stabilization of neonates at cecarean sections

Anna Dahl

Effects and mechanisms on violence of universal interventions in young children

Feven Dawit

Alagille syndrome – a challenging multiorgan disease

Anne Elwin

Neonatal cholestasis and CMV infection in preterm born children – systems immunology and long term outcomes

Mimmi Eriksson Westblad

Long-term outcome in children treated with hypothermia after asohyxia, with focus on physical activity, executive functiona, motor capability and self-esteem

Elisabeth Hallén

Methodological Differences in Bilirubin Measurement and Understanding its Clinical Consequences in the Management of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia

Gustaf Håkansson

Affektiv sjukdom och antidepressiv medicinering under graviditet, effekter på barnets hjärnutveckling
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Gandom Kharrazi

Autoimmune hepatitis in children - epidemiology and treatment

Paraskevi Kosma

The development of early airway function in preterm and term born infants.
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Ulrika Liliemark

Biliary atresia – etiology, pathogenesis and connection to CMV infection.

Cecilia Lindemalm

Herpes Virus Infections in Children at Risk

Henric Lindqvist

The importance of myeloid cells in hematopoietic cell transplantation

Lina Ljungholm

Processes, effects and costs of health assessments in children with suspected maltreatment

Silvia Malenicka

Intention-to-treat analysis of long-term outcome in pediatric liver transplantation

Sara Marin Juan

Prognostic factors indicating a severe graft-versus-disease in children, after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Frida Oldendorff

Grampositiva bakterier på neonatalavdelning – aspekter på kolonisation, infektion, diagnostik och prognos
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Stefan Rune

Understanding the scope of child physical abuse in Sweden
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Ulrika Skogeland

Person-Centred Care in CF: Experience and Adherence of KaftrioR -Treated and lung-Transplaned persons

Evaluation of methods nd strategies for optimizing outcome in preterm infants
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Christofer Äng

From severe combined immunodeficiency to impact of low lymphopoietic output at newborn screening
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