Forskarstuderande vid enheten för pediatrikForskarstuderande vid enhetenTamara Al Ani Evaluating and optimizing drug treatment in paediatric patients with kidney impairment Email: Alvarez Psychoactive drugs and breastfeeding Email: ingrid.alvarez@ki.seAnna Claréus Aspects of cord clamping time and stabilization of neonates at cecarean sections Email: anna.clareus@ki.seAnna Dahl Effects and mechanisms on violence of universal interventions in young children Email: anna.dahl.2@ki.seFeven Dawit Alagille syndrome – a challenging multiorgan disease Email: feven.dawit@ki.seAnne Elwin Neonatal cholestasis and CMV infection in preterm born children – systems immunology and long term outcomes Email: anne.elwin@ki.seMimmi Eriksson Westblad Long-term outcome in children treated with hypothermia after asohyxia, with focus on physical activity, executive functiona, motor capability and self-esteem Email: mimmi.eriksson.westblad@ki.seElisabeth Hallén Methodological Differences in Bilirubin Measurement and Understanding its Clinical Consequences in the Management of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia Email: elisabeth.hallen@ki.seGustaf Håkansson Affektiv sjukdom och antidepressiv medicinering under graviditet, effekter på barnets hjärnutveckling Email: Gandom Kharrazi Autoimmune hepatitis in children - epidemiology and treatment Email: gandom.kharrazi@ki.seParaskevi Kosma The development of early airway function in preterm and term born infants. Email: Ulrika Liliemark Biliary atresia – etiology, pathogenesis and connection to CMV infection. Email: ulrika.liliemark@ki.seCecilia Lindemalm Herpes Virus Infections in Children at Risk Email: cecilia.lindemalm@ki.seHenric Lindqvist The importance of myeloid cells in hematopoietic cell transplantation Email: henric.lindqvist@ki.seLina Ljungholm Processes, effects and costs of health assessments in children with suspected maltreatment Email: lina.ljungholm@ki.seSilvia Malenicka Intention-to-treat analysis of long-term outcome in pediatric liver transplantation Email: silvia.malenicka@ki.seSara Marin Juan Prognostic factors indicating a severe graft-versus-disease in children, after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Email: sara.marin.juan@ki.seFrida Oldendorff Grampositiva bakterier på neonatalavdelning – aspekter på kolonisation, infektion, diagnostik och prognos Email: Stefan Rune Understanding the scope of child physical abuse in Sweden Email: Ulrika Skogeland Person-Centred Care in CF: Experience and Adherence of KaftrioR -Treated and lung-Transplaned persons Email: Evaluation of methods nd strategies for optimizing outcome in preterm infants Christofer Äng From severe combined immunodeficiency to impact of low lymphopoietic output at newborn screening Email: