Early Career Researcher Scholarship
We are pleased to announce that the following early-career researchers have been awarded scholarships to attend our conference.
We congratulate them and look forward to their valuable contributions.
Accepted scholarships
Name | Affiliation | Title of presentation |
Mahmoud Azzam | Lund University, The Region Skåne Committee on Psychiatry | Experiences of Self-Stigma Among Individuals Who Have Attempted Suicide |
Benjamin Claréus | Kristianstad University | Do Time Trends Appear in Specific Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviors and Their Psychological Correlates Among Adolescents Across Two Decades? |
Fredrik Johansson | Karolinska Institutet | Sex- and age-specific risk indicators of suicide: occurrence and association with suicide across the life course |
Tyra Lagerberg | University of Oxford | External validation of the Oxford Suicide Assessment Tool for Self-harm (OxSATS) |
My Lindberg | The Region Skåne Committee on Psychiatry | Inpatient Suicides in Swedish Psychiatric Settings – A Retrospective Exploratory Study from a Nursing Perspective |
Alicia Nevriana | Karolinska Institutet | The association between perimenopausal depression and suicidal behaviours |
Thi Thuy Dung Nguyen | Karolinska Institutet | Investigating the genetics of sex difference in Medically Serious Suicide Attempt |
Beau Michele Nieuwenhuijs | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Identifying subgroups of older men and women at high risk of suicide: a latent class analysis by gender |
Christina Nilsson | Örebro University | Loss of human life – lived experiences of suicide survivors and professionals: a phenomenological and participatory action research study |
Säidi Margot Idun Ovox | Linköping University | Peering into the deadliness of suicidality through life-world research. |