Stipendium för juniora forskare

Följande juniora forskare har tilldelats stipendier för att delta i SSRC 2025. Vi gratulerar dem och ser fram emot deras värdefulla bidrag.

Tilldelade stipendier

Lista på stipendiemottagare för SSRC 2025
NamnAnknytningTitel på presentation
Mahmoud AzzamLunds universitet, Psykiatri Region SkåneExperiences of Self-Stigma Among Individuals Who Have Attempted Suicide
Benjamin ClaréusHögskolan KristianstadDo Time Trends Appear in Specific Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behaviors and Their Psychological Correlates Among Adolescents Across Two Decades?
Fredrik JohanssonKarolinska InstitutetSex- and age-specific risk indicators of suicide: occurrence and association with suicide across the life course
Tyra LagerbergUniversity of OxfordExternal validation of the Oxford Suicide Assessment Tool for Self-harm (OxSATS)
My LindbergPsykiatri Region SkåneInpatient Suicides in Swedish Psychiatric Settings – A Retrospective Exploratory Study from a Nursing Perspective
Alicia NevrianaKarolinska InstitutetThe association between perimenopausal depression and suicidal behaviours
Thi Thuy Dung NguyenKarolinska InstitutetInvestigating the genetics of sex difference in Medically Serious Suicide Attempt
Beau Michele NieuwenhuijsVrije Universiteit BrusselIdentifying subgroups of older men and women at high risk of suicide: a latent class analysis by gender
Christina NilssonÖrebro universitetLoss of human life – lived experiences of suicide survivors and professionals: a phenomenological and participatory action research study
Säidi Margot Idun OvoxLinköpings universitetPeering into the deadliness of suicidality through life-world research.