About & Contact

Welcome to the first-ever Swedish Suicide Research Conference, a pioneering event designed to foster high-quality, research-driven discussions on suicide.

This conference aims to bridge the gap between disciplines by providing a unique platform where researchers from diverse fields – psychology, psychiatry, sociology, public health, neuroscience, and more – can come together to share insights, challenge perspectives, and explore the complexities of suicide research. 

We are committed to creating a stimulating environment that promotes in-depth discussions, with a focus on the latest evidence-based findings. Through the exchange of ideas and the formation of new partnerships, this conference will help shape the future of suicide research. 

When: 6–7 May 2025
Where: World Trade Center Stockholm


For inquiries related to the scientific program, including proposals, please contact: ssrc@ki.se

For practical questions please contact Akademikonferens: SSRC2025@akademikonferens.se

For technical support please contact WTC Stockholm: kundservice.stockholm@alectafastigheter.se, +46 8-120 322 20

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