SweMaMi - I want to participate
Thank you for your interest, but recruitment has ended!
The aim with our study is to include and evaluate 2500 pregnant women from all over Sweden. You participate simply and easily at home , without needing to go to a health centre or maternity clinic.
You begin participating in the study by answering the first questionnaire. You can answer the questionnaires in either Swedish or English, and the questions involve topics such as medication, your general health, and dietary habits. A few days after you have completed each questionnaire, we send sampling material home to you by post.
Questionnaire 1
Before week 19 of your pregnancy (takes approximately 20 minutes)
Questionnaire 2
Week 28-30 of your pregnancy, if you have not yet given birth
Questionnaire 3
6-10 weeks after childbirth

The questionnaires are filled in at three time points: before pregnancy week 19, week 28-30, and 6-10 weeks after the estimated date of delivery”. A few days after you have completed each questionnaire, you will receive an envelope at home including a self-sampling kit with instructions. An pre-paid envelope will be enclosed so that you can take the required samples yourself and send them back to our laboratory by mail within a week.
In this project, the samples will be collected from your mouth (saliva), your vagina (soft swab), and your rectum (stool sample). The sampling is done at home and takes 5-10 minutes in total. At the last time-point, we will also ask you to collect a stool sample from your baby (from the diaper). So you will have to answer a questionnaire three times, and self-sample three times.
All sampling procedures are without any known health risk to your or your child. The sampling is not painful but may lead to some minor and temporary discomfort.
Information for participants
Could your microbiome predict a healthy pregnancy and delivery? (pdf)