SweMaMi - FAQ

How do I participate?

Thank you for your interest, but recruitment has ended!

If I have joined the study, can I drop out later on?

You may of course leave the study whenever you want, without any reason given. To do this, send us an e-mail, SMS, or ring us at swemami@mtc.ki.se or 072-2187905.

I have had complications and do not wish to be contacted anymore, what should I do?

Being pregnant, expecting and delivering a child can be intense and much can occur. Unfortunately we do not have access to your medical journal so we cannot follow your pregnancy and delivery. If you wish to leave the study, then please let us know on swemami@mtc.ki.se or 072-2187905.

Does it hurt to take the samples?

No, not at all. The salival sample is taken by spitting into a tube. The vaginal sample is taken with a soft swab, only a few centimetres deep in the vagina. It feels less intrusive than inserting a tampon. The faecal sample is usually taken from toilet paper as only a very small amount is required.

Is it possible to obtain personal results from the study?

We are unable to report personal results from the study. One reason for this is that we do not yet know what constitutes a "good" or "bad" result – to determine this is one of the main aims of the SweMaMi study.
Once we have study results at a group level, then we will publish them here on our website an in scientific journals.

Is there any risk for me or my child if I participate?

Participating is not associated with any known risks for you or your child. Sampling is not painful, but it may lead to some minor and temporary discomfort.

I am in pregnancy week 5 - 9, is it for early for me to participate?

You may answer the questionnaire very early on in your pregnancy, but the first sampling kit will not be sent to you until around pregnancy week 10.

I am on medication, is it okay for me to participate anyway?

Any intake of drugs or medication does not prevent you from participating in SweMaMi. When you answer the questionnaires, you will be asked to indicate which medication you are taking.

When will the first results of the research be available?

The first SweMaMi article was published in BMJ Open in October 2022, and can be found here: 

Cohort profile: the Swedish Maternal Microbiome project (SweMaMi) – assessing the dynamic associations between the microbiome and maternal and neonatal adverse events

I have more questions, how can I contact you?

If you have any further questions or comments, then you are welcome to contact us at swemami@mtc.ki.se or 072-2187905.

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