Immunology and Respiratory Medicine

Within the Division of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine we perform translational research in a number of different areas where the immune system and its components are studied. The main focus is to understand our immune system in health and in diseases, such as allergy, inflammatory diseases, infection and cancer.

A large part of the research is done on clinical samples in close collaboration with the hospital and health care system, but animal models are also used to gain deeper knowledge of the mechanisms that drive different types of immunological and inflammatory reactions in diseases.

The overall goal of our research is to improve the possibilities to prevent diseases, and precision medicine for diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic possibilities that benefit the patients.

Our research

Research group Susanne Gabrielsson: Extracellular Vesicles in cancer and lung diseases.

Research group Karin Loré: Understanding mechanisms of vaccination.
- Team Taras Kreslavskiy: Laboratory of lymphocyte biology.

Research group Gunnar Nilsson: Mast Cell Biology.
- Team Joakim Dahlin: Charting normal and malignant hematopoiesis.

Research group Anna Smed Sörensen: Respiratory and systemic immune responses in human pulmonary viral infection and inflammation.

Research group Eduardo Villablanca: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).


Organizational affiliation: Immunology and Respiratory Medicine is a division at the Department of Medicine, Solna (MedS).

Administrative support: If you are employed at, affiliated with, or have a case linked to the division, please email to or

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Gunnar Nilsson

Head of division, Professor
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