Research at Laboratory Medicine
Research for the good of human health. Our research ranges from the fundamental to improved diagnostic methods, but their common aim is that to promoting human health in the short and long term.

The research conducted at the Department of Laboratory Medicine ranges from the fundamental research – where we attempt to understand the function and significance of mitochondria, causes of muscle wasting, the variation and function of immune genes in health and disease, the basic functions of various microorganisms – through to improved diagnostic methods for cardiovascular and lung diseases that measure medicines in micro-volumes, diagnose pharmaceuticals, narcotics and doping substances and explore entirely new patient treatments involving cell therapy and stem cell therapy. This represents a wide range of activities, but their common aim is to promoting human health in the short and long term.
This research often leads to new diagnostic methods, which can then be used clinically, or to new treatment principles. The clinical laboratory diagnosis leads to faster and more accurate diagnoses and safe dosage of medicines for hereditary and other factors which in turn lead to less suffering and reduced mortality and hence a reduced cost to society. The research conducted at the department is extremely translational as it often results in positive changes to healthcare and its processes. The department's research is often pioneering and, as it is presented in the foremost scientific journals, it also gains international significance and includes common diseases and global health threats from several infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, emerging viruses and antimicrobial resistance.
Our vision is for the department's research to promote human health. There are many examples of the department's research leading to the improvement and simplification of diagnostic methods, resulting in significant savings for society. One example is what is now the national HIV resistance registry, which was started by one of the department's professors. A further example is the research on physical activity medicine transmitted to health care personnel in the form of evidence-based handbook "FYSS". All in all, the research conducted at the Department of Laboratory Medicine is extremely topical and of immediate significance to human health.
An important part of the department's work is to contribute the specialised skills needed for the training of future healthcare personnel. The department is active in both undergraduate and doctoral education, producing an average of 16 new PhDs each year. Healthcare will reap the benefits of many of these when they choose it as their future workplace.