Christina Sundqvist

Christina Sundqvist

Communications Officer
Telephone: +46852486970
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels allé 8, plan 8, 14152
Postal address: H5 Laboratoriemedicin, H5 Administrativa kansliet, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • I am a communicator/web editor at the Department of Laboratory Medicine and responsible for the Department's website and internal communication.

    I am an internal communicator/web editor and assistant to the Head of Department at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. I started on March 4, 2013. For the communicator role, I am responsible for the Department's internal and external websites - taking care of the Department's overall internal communication is on my table. I also assist the Head of Department with all kind of administration, but mainly the handling of signing documents and the the work with the Department's Management Team. 

    I most recently come from AstraZeneca where I worked the last 10 years as a web editor, mostly in IT and the last two years in Human Resources (HR).

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