Hello new staff #4

We are happy to introduce new colleagues at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Welcome!

Staffan Törestad, Archivist

Administration council

Staffan is Labmed's new archivist (consultant) and replaces Lena Andersson. He will be managing the records and archives of the department, as well as the registry (diarium). Staffan has previously worked as an archivist and FOI and registrar at Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten. He will divide his time 50/50 between Labmed and Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH).

Suchita Desai, PhD student, 

Division of Pathology, Göran Andersson group

Suchita did her B.Tech+M.Tech (Integrated) in Biotechnology (2013-2018) from Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute, India followed by which she did a one year Master’s programme in Molcular Biology (2017-2018) from University of Skövde, Sweden. She has recently started her Ph.D programme in the field of bone biology for early detection of bone implant failure.

Maria Binatanel Morcillo, Lab technician

Division of Pathology, Jaakko Patrakka group

Maria is a lab technician with experience in Molecular Biology, Cell Culture and Histology. Her first position was at the Liver Transplantation and Graft Viability Unit at the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). After that she worked at the  Department of Integrative Cell and Tissue Dynamics at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). Then she moved to the USA to work as a Research Assistant at the Department of Pharmacology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Finally, before her current position at Patrakka’s lab she was working for 6 months at the Department of Neuroscience at the KI. Her expectations are to keep learning new techniques, further develop her current skills and assist her colleagues to push forward their projects.

Nicholas (Nick) Valerie, Postdoc

Division of Physiology, Mikael Altun group

Nick is born in the US, and came to KI to complete his doctoral studies in Thomas Helleday’s Lab at SciLifeLab in Solna. For his postdoctoral work, his aim will be to improve the development and scope of proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) molecules via novel cell-based assays as part of the Altun Group.

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Nicholas Valerie

Assistant Professor

Sadaf Sakina Hassan, Biomedical Analyst

Division of Pathology, Joakim Dillner group

Sadaf has worked 9 years at Karolinska University Hospital, the last year at Special Clinical Chemistry Department. She will work in the research lab for Center for Cervical Cancer Prevention with HPV detection and viral research using Next Generation Sequencing.

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Sadaf Sakina Hassan

Biomedical Scientist

Doste Rashid Mamand, PhD student

Clinical Research Center, Samir EL Andaloussi group

Doste comes from Iraqi Kurdistan/Erbil and is here doing his PhD. His PhD project is on extracellular vesicles.

Doste Rashid Mamand

Postdoctoral Researcher

Daniel Hagey, Postdoc

Clinical Research Center, Samir EL Andaloussi group

Daniel is Canadian and did his PhD at Karolinska in Solna. He will be working on using sequencing to look for the molecular signatures of cancer in blood and other biofluids.

Daniel Hagey

Research Specialist

Safa Safin Hyder Bazaz Hidush, PhD student

Clinical Research Center, Samir EL Andaloussi group

Safa comes from Kurdistan region of Iraq and will do his PhD Oligonucleotides here at Karolinska Institutet.

Anwar Fadel, Adjunct lecturer

Division of Clinical Pharmacology

Anwar has worked in the farmacy industry for 8 years. At Labmed he will work as adjunct lecturer in clinical pharmacoloy and be responsible for the pharmacology courses at the student programme in nursing, semester 2 and 3.

Avinash Padhi, Postdoc

Division of Clinical Microbiology, Peter Bergman group

Avinash is from Bhubaneswar (India), and is here at Karolinska Institutet to pursue his post-doctoral training in Peter Bergman’s group working under the project “Citrullination of LL-37 and it’s effect in Psoriasis”. In this postdoctoral education he will test the hypothesis that citrullination of LL-37 effects the bactericidal and immunological effects of peptide.

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Avinash Padhi

Research Specialist

Jan Klingler, Research assistant

Division of Clinical Microbiology, Volkan Özenci group

As a trained industrial designer, Jan is assisting Volkan Özenci to put a focus on ideas for designs of new laboratory vessels. The goal is to increase the performance of culturing and make laboratory tests more user-friendly.

Shilpa Ray, Postdoc

Division of Clinical Microbiology, Piotr Nowak group

Shilpa comes from the City of Temples (Bhubaneswar, Odisha) in India. She received her PhD degree in Nov 2018 from KIIT University, India. Her PhD work aimed at the identification of serovar specific virulence factors contributing to the pathogenesis of Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis as well as provided their biological and structural data to understand their involvement in Salmonella virulence regulation. Presently working as Post-Doctoral Researcher in Piotr Nowak’s group, her research will be directed to understand the mechanism of interaction between antiretroviral drugs and gut microbiome which would be useful for therapeutic purposes. She will also be involved in system biology approach to unravel the associations between ART and gut bacteria.

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Shilpa Ray

Research Specialist

Staff changes

Hanna Gador, division administrator

Hanna Gador has previously worked 37,5% at Clinical Research Center (KFC) as divison administrator and  37,5% as EU-coordinator at the Labmed administration council.

From 1st May Hanna leaves her role as division administrator at KFC to work 75% as Financial officer/EU-coordinator at the administration council.

Arja Kramsu, Educational administrator

Arja Kramsu will retire in the end of June after 25 years at KI. The work of finding a replacement for Arja is ongoing.

Anna Rönnbäck, HR supervisor

Anna Rönnbäck will return from her maternity leave on 26th August.

Busra Kocaturk, Education officer

On the 16th June, Busra will start as an officer at the Study programmes Board (UN). Busra will tell more about herself in the next introduction of new staff.

Published 24th May, 2019.

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