The Board of Doctoral Education at KBH

The Board of Doctoral Education at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health evaluates applications for establishing doctoral positions and all individual study plans to ensure high-quality doctoral education. They reviews the scientific merit and educational environment of the proposed projects and provides recommendations. The head of the department makes the final decision to establish a doctoral position after a recommendation from the Director of Doctoral Education of the department.

Purpose of the board of doctoral education 

  • Ensure the quality of doctoral education by assessing the scientific value of proposed doctoral projects and providing feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and possible improvements
  • Support the doctoral students in planning their doctoral education by providing feedback at the ISP seminar

Board Members

The board is chaired by the Director of Doctoral Education at the department and comprises of researcher and teacher representatives from each department division and the doctoral education administrator. The representatives should have a PhD degree and a teacher or researcher position at KBH. Additionally, the board also has doctoral student representatives who attend and give feedback at the ISP seminar meetings. Additional experts may be consulted as needed.


The board meets at least five times per semester for the ISP seminars, sometimes more often depending on the number of newly admitted students and the need for input/expertise.

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