PhD Student

Practical information for you as a PhD student at the Department of Women's and Children's Health. Please contact the research education administrator if you have further questions or want clarifications.

All credit bearing activities listed in the approved individual study plan must be registered in the PhD registry, Ladok. The PhD student fills out form number 16, attaches relevant certificates and/or proof of attendance, and sends it to the research education administrator. You can check your registry continuously at Ladok-web to assure that all information is correct. 

You can find the Form 16 and the Logbook further down below.

Twice a year it is compulsory to report PhD study activity and source of income. You will be notified via email when this report is due (in June respective December each year). This information is continuously reported in your Ladok files.

The annual follow-up is performed as a meeting between the doctoral student and the supervisor. It should result in an updated version of the individual study plan. The ISP system sends out an automated email reminder when it is time.

First year follow up at KBH 

One year after PhD admission, each PhD student is invited to present their project at a seminar at the department. The presentation should focus on background, material, and methods (in English). A separate invitation will be sent to the students in question well in advance.

Third year follow up at KBH 

Once the PhD student has obtained around 600% activity an invitation to a third year follow up with the research education administrator will be sent out. This is an opportunity to make sure obligatory courses and learning activities have been fulfilled, discuss progress as well as the plan for the last year leading up to defense. 

A half-time review shall be carried out for every doctoral student who is aiming for a doctoral degree.

KBH Rules: Contact the research education administrator well in advance and give notice that you are planning for halftime, also ask to have your Ladok registry reviewed to make sure your have all the necessary courses for halftime. The application (form number 5 as well as the half-time report) is sent to the research education administrator, and it will be assessed by the PhD study director. The application must be submitted at least three weeks before the seminar.

The PhD student contacts KBH Webb ( for the seminar to be announced in the KI web calendar.

Travel grants to PhD students at the Department of Women's and Children's Health, are announced approx. once a year. Call for applications is announced via email from the research education administrator.

Grants are issued for; 

- Presentation at an international congress

- Research training at a foreign university

- PhD courses outside Sweden

If you want to keep track of your seminars and Journal clubs, you can use the logbook below


Dissertation / Licentiate

Contact the research education administrator as soon as possible once you start formalizing plans for defense or licentiate. Book a meeting to go through the application process as well as have a final review of your courses and credits. 

Please read the following information carefully

The DATE for defense must be booked with the research education administrator well in advance. In certain cases (same research subject or same division) more than one defense should not take place on the same day at the department.

Booking a room for the defense is done either by the PhD student or with the help of the division administrator ( ).  Note! When making your reservation please make sure to mention that the purpose is “public defense at the department of women’s and children’s health”.

The dissertation/licentiate will be announced both in the KI calendar and the department calendar by the Department webb editor. Contact KBH Webb ( three weeks before your defense at the latest and send all the relevant information for announcement.

After defense the dissertation protocol (form 11) is sent to the research education administrator. The PhD student is asked to hand in one last activity and source of income report and then the final registration of completed defense is done in Ladok. For more information about the public defense act as well as access to form 11

The PhD student receives an email from the research education administrator when it is time to apply for their degree certificate 

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