Dissertation / Licentiate at KBH

When applying for dissertation/licentiate, some routines are to be followed at the Department. The thesis defence must take place during the semester periods.


The following applies when planning your dissertation/licentiate application

1. Date of dissertation / licentiate

The date must be booked well in advance. This is to make possible for all parties at the Department to be present. Please contact the research education administration to make sure that the date of choice is available.

2. Lecture hall

Please book a lecture hall well in advance, especially when planning your defence on a Friday. Lecture halls within the hospital area can be booked via "Konferensservice", Karolinska University Hospital. If you need assistance, please contact the administrator at your unit.

3. Application approval

Head of Deprtment and the PhD study director have to approve the application by signing it before submission to the Dissertation Committee. Please contact the research education administration at least two weeks before the application deadline for this approval. Note! When the application has been approved accordingly, the PhD student is responsible for submitting it to the Dissertation Committee at KI Campus.

See also:

Time to defend your thesis

Time for licentiate seminar

4. Dissertation/lic protocol

should be sent to the manager to be forwarded to KI. You will be notified when to apply for your degree certificate.

5. Degree certificate

As soon as the thesis is registered in Ladok you can apply for Degree certificate and Diploma Supplement according to information on this page:

Application for Degree Certificicate Diploma Supplement


The dissertation/licentiate will be announced in the KI Calendar by the Department webb editor. Contact and send all the relevant information to KBH Webb.

E-mail account

Approximately one month after your thesis defence, your PhD student e-mail account will be discontinued. The prerequisite for keeping your e-mail account is either employment or connection to the Department.

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