Organization and Management at KBH

The department is led by the Head of Department, assisted by the Department Management Group and the Department Council.

Executive Management


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Sandra Brogårde

Head of Administration


At the Department of Women's and Children's health there are six divisions that consists of multiple research groups. Each division is led by a Head of Division.

organisational outlay
Organization chart for the Department of Women's and Children's Health. Photo: N/A

Department Management Group

In addition to the executive management, the management group consists of

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Eric Herlenius

Professor/Senior Physician
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Lars Sävendahl

Professor/Senior Physician
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Anna Nilsson

Professor/Senior Physician
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Sven Bölte

Full Professor
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Eva Broström

Adjunct Professor
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Klas Blomgren

Deputy Head of Department
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Petter Brodin

Professor/Specialist Physician
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Hjalmar Brismar

Principal Researcher
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Tomas Wester

Professor/Senior Physician
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Ulrika Ådén

Professor/Senior Physician

Svante Norgren

Affiliated to Research
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