Project: To evaluate economic effects of preventive interventions in the workplace – a method development

Mental ill-health and musculoskeletal disorders are the most common causes of sick leave in Sweden. Together these account for approx 68 percent of health insurance costs, or more than 43 billion SEK. The cost of ill-health from an employer's perspective is for many companies unknown. To prevent the occurrence of these disorders and future sick leave, it is important to an even larger extent than today perform effective preventive interventions in the workplace.

Economic incentives are important for many employers when deciding to invest in workplace interventions or not. As economics is essential for many companies proven economic benefits of interventions might lead to increased investment in workplace health promotion and preventive interventions and ultimately contribute to reduced ill health among employees.

In this project a method that can be used to calculate the economic benefits of preventive measures in the workplace is developed and tested. The method captures both the managers and employees views of health- and work environment-related problems and its effect on performance. The method will be available for companies offering workplace health interventions and for employers interesting in calculate the cost of work environment and health problems and evaluating the economic benefit of this type of intervention.


  • AFA Insurance

Contact persons

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Emmanuel Aboagye

Affiliated to Research
Content reviewer:
Anna Persson