Contact the Department of Global Public Health

Addresses and contact information to the Department of Global Public Health at Karolinska Institutet.

Department of Global Public Health

Phone number: +46 8 524 800 00 (switchboard)


Postal address

Department of Global Public Health
Karolinska Institutet
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Invoice address to the department

A unique individual reference code is required for the invoice to reach the right person. For any purchase or order, a correct individual reference code must be given to the supplier.

Karolinska Institutet
Box 23 109
SE-104 35 Stockholm
Reference code: ZZK9 ... (include individual reference code)

VAT number

Org. no: 202100-2973

Visit us

The Department of Global Public Health has two visiting addresses.

The administrative unit, head of the department and the research groups Global Child Health, GDM, GH-Pharma, ISAC, HSP,  and GloSH are located at Tomtebodavägen 18A, in the Widerström building at Campus Solna. Visit us on floor 3 in the left part of the building, using Elevator 1.

The research groups EHP, PRIME Health, EPiCSS, CoNPA and EPHIR are located at Solnavägen 1E, floor 6, Stockholm.

You can also find the visiting address for anyone working at the department on the person's profile page, by searching the name of the person at this website.

Delivery address

Widerström building (Widerströmska huset)

Tomtebodavägen 18B, 171 65 Solna

Head of Department

Profile image

Marie Hasselberg

Head of Department

Head of Administration

Profile image

Therese Lind

Head of Administration
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