National and regional ALF agreements

KI's collaboration with the healthcare sector is described in the ALF agreements on medical education and research (in Swedish: ALF - Avtal om Läkarutbildning och Forskning).

What are ALF agreements?

The agreements regulate state's compensation to the county councils for costs related to education and medical research.

As clinical education partly takes place within the region's hospitals, outpatient care and municipal healthcare facilities, many KI doctoral students, researchers and teachers are active within these environments.

  • Region Stockholm allocates supplementary funds equal to the ALF compensation
  • KI and Region Stockholm are jointly responsible for the distribution of these resources
Photo: GettyImages.

National ALF agreement

Is made between the Swedish state and certain county councils regarding cooperation for undergraduate medical education, medical research and healthcare development.

Regional ALF agreement

Is supplemented by regional agreements between participating county councils (regions) and universities.

Film about the ALF agreements
