About Policy Lab at KI
Policy Lab is a forum for discussion and learning about the relationship between research and policy. The theme/topic for the Policy Labs vary from lab to lab, but the format is always a seminar with time for questions and discussion. Further down the page you will find information on the dates and topics of the next Policy Lab. There you can also click to register if you wish to attend.

With the Policy Labs, we want to boost knowledge and interest in how public administration, decision-making and politics work. Similarly, we also want to raise interest and knowledge about science-based policy and in advocacy. We hope to contribute to increasing the interest among KI's members of staff in how research and politics can meet; how to use science-based arguments to influence decision-making; and how to conduct advocacy locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We also hope to contribute to bridging the gap between research and policy - what is often referred to internationally as the research-to-policy gap.
Many people working at KI have a great interest in these types of issues and plenty of expertise and experience in the subject. At the Policy Labs, we want to bring us together and create a forum for sharing and developing this.
The content varies from Policy Lab to Policy Lab. Issues that are often featured include, among other things, how to use scientifically based arguments to influence decision-making, and how to conduct advocacy work, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Information on the topic and content of each Policy Lab can be found on the calendar page for each lab.
Policy Labs are held on KI's campus and in the form of seminars. Information about the topic, length, date, time and place of each Policy Lab can be found on the calendar page for each lab. Policy labs are held in both Swedish and English. Which language is used for a specific lab is determined by the theme and participants and is stated on the calendar page for the lab. In order to book suitable venues to the number of participants, we ask you to register for the Policy Labs you wish to attend in advance. You find a link to register on the calendar page for each lab. The calendar page for the next Policy Lab can be found further down this page, under the heading Next Policy Lab.
The Policy Labs are organised by a working group consisting of people from the Centre for Health Crises, the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health - CESH and the Research & Doctoral Education Office at KI.
Policy Labs are a forum for learning and discussion, not an expression of KI's official position on issues or individual subject areas, nor KI's general attitude or opinion on policy and advocacy. Each participant contributes and speaks from their own expertise and opinion, not as a representative of KI. The organisers are responsible for the format and content. They also do not represent KI's position and official statement. The organisers are not responsible for what individual participants say during the discussions, but actively promote an open and respectful discussion climate.
Previous Policy Labs:
The first Policy Lab was held on 26 October 2023. The themes of previous Policy Labs have included:
- How the national Swedish political system is structured around health care issues and what avenues there are to reach out with input from higher education institutions.
- The Swedish Government Official Report Ett helt eller delvis statligt huvudmannaskap för hälso- och sjukvården. Civil servants working on the report participated and presented
- The Swedish reform agenda for international aid - Bistånd för en ny era – Frihet, egenmakt och hållbar tillväxt.
- The journey to a political decision, with examples from the Swedish Government Official Report En effektiv organisation för statlig forskningsfinansiering. The senior civil servant in charge of this and other reports participated and presented.
- Global Health Policy, Politics and Political Economy – What’s the Difference and Does it Matter? Mariam Claesson presented.
- Antibiotic resistance and how a small country like Sweden can utilise research to support policy and impact for change
- Why don't they do what we tell them? - A policy lab on scientific advice
- About the Government's Research and Innovation Bill
The next policy lab:
Topic, date, time and place for upcoming policy labs will be posted here in due course.
If you have any questions about the Policy Labs, please email us.