Call for applications for Task Forces Focusing on Specific Cancers

Applications are welcome for support (seed money) for KICancer & StratCan Task Forces Focusing on Specific Cancers (formerly “Diagnose based networks”)

Dnr 2-3327/2018

Background & Aim

Established or new constellations can apply for 50 – 150.000 SEK in order to fund Task Force activities. Up to ten applications will be funded. The aim of the initiative is to encourage KI- and University Hospital-based researchers to join forces (including the newly formed FoUU-groups) around one major group of cancers.

The Task Forces are intended to combine the expertise of basic researchers, clinicians, epidemiology and nursing researchers in order to solve interdisciplinary problems around a particular diagnose group. A Task Force may include groups already doing research on the cancer type in question as wells as researchers interested in a general cancer problem who would like to find partners working on a specific group of cancers, e.g. basic researchers applying a technology or developing biomarkers or targeting drugs.

The KICancer/StratCan support may be used for planning activities, for joint workshops and as seed money to elaborate larger, interdisciplinary applications. We anticipate that the significance of these types of Task Forces will increase with the development of ”Theme Cancer” and PCM at the University Hospital NKS. Other types of networking groups may also apply, e.g. focusing on different biological processes or therapeutic interventions in cancer biology.

Announcement pdf

How to apply

The application should contain:

  • a description of the Task Force (appr one page)
  • names of the leader and persons in a suggested or existing steering group
  • description of what the grant will be used for including a budget for 2018 - 20.
  • (If an application from an already established Task Force is submitted, it should include a one page summary of the achievements and activities so far.)

Applications should have arrived as one pdf-file to latest August 31, 2018. Please label your application with Dnr 2-3327/2018.


Should you have any questions regarding the call, please contact:


Professor, senior

Ingemar Ernberg

Enhet:Ingemar Ernberg grupp



Sandra Falck


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