One KI for sustainable development
KI contributes to sustainable development through research, education and collaboration. KI's vision is to promote knowledge about life and strive towards better health for everyone. It includes taking responsibility for the environment and social perspective for both current and future generations.
On this page you can find examples of KI's work for sustainable development, steering documents, news and contact details if you want to know more.

Research and education

Popular science articles on health and sustainable development
Karolinska Institutet's researchers contribute every day to the work for sustainable development and global health. We have collected a selection of interviews, news and feature articles about these efforts.

Research areas that focus on sustainable development
Although all research conducted at KI contributes to improving people's health, the research that highlights connections between health, socio-economic factors and human environmental impact is of particular importance for sustainable development. It concerns, among other things, public health, environmental medicine and epidemiology.

Education and sustainability at KI
All students who graduate from KI are confronted with issues related to sustainable development and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during their education.
How KI works with sustainable development, climate and environment

Steering documents
Research centres on sustainability
A research centre at Karolinska Institutet is a focused concentration in a certain scientific area.

Tools and resources
For KI to succeed in reducing its environmental and climate impact, work and commitment is required from everyone who works or studies at KI. Employees with special responsibilities are available to facilitate, help and inspire the work with a sustainable campus.